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Find out the pros and cons of veneers

Dental veneers are thin layers of remedial material applied over a tooth surface, either for tooth aesthetics enhancement, or for the protection of a damaged tooth surface.
Chicago, IL, United States of America ( 29/12/2010
Dental veneers are thin layers of remedial material applied over a tooth surface, either for tooth aesthetics enhancement, or for the protection of a damaged tooth surface. When placed over the tooth surface, veneers serve as a shield to worn tooth enamel, chips or cracks, and uneven tooth alignment/spacing. The more lasting solution recommended by Chicago dentists is dental veneers.


Veneers are fabricated with two major materials (and these are the types of dental veneers) – porcelain and composite. The composite veneer could be applied directly. Alternatively, a dental technician or dentist teeth whitening may fabricate it indirectly in a dental lab and subsequently bond it to the tooth with the aid of resin cement (e.g. Panavia). On the contrary, the fabrication of a porcelain veneer may be done only indirectly. In comparison with composite veneers, porcelain veneers are perceived to be more durable. It is also said that porcelain veneers are not likely to stain relative to its counterpart composite veneers.

Brief History

The brain behind the invention of veneers is Charles Pincus – a California dentist. Within this period, these veneers were not firm enough and removed easily as denture adhesive was used in holding them on. However, they temporarily served the purpose of modifying the looks of actors’ teeth.

Further researches by other dental professionals and family dentist Chicago and child dentist Chicago brought a discovery that it is possible to etch porcelain with hydrofluoric acid, and that firm bonding could be realized between porcelain and composite resins that were foreseen to have the capacity of holding porcelain veneers to a tooth’s surface without ever falling off. This research paid off well as it became the platform for sophistication and improvement of the present day’s veneer cements and boding agents, which typically stays as long as one to three decades (10 – 30 years).

Dental Veneer Procedure

In the course of applying veneers, there is the possibility of altering the appearance of the teeth with minimal tooth preparation like drilling. A good number of veneer techniques may be achieved in the absence of local anesthetic, or just a little. Conventionally, it is required for a porcelain dental veneers and oral surgeons Chicago that a reduction of about 0.5 mm be made.

Composite veneers are increasingly becoming more widely sought-after since they can be repaired easily. On the hand, porcelain veneers are said to be susceptible to fracture. It may pose a challenging task to match an individual veneer shade to the rest of the teeth. Consequently, it is common to apply several veneers.

Certain veneers have no need of drilling so as to do away with tooth structure. Rather, these veneers are fabricated specifically for placement on the teeth top. Thus, the procedure is less invasive and may take only a little time. But due to non-reduction of the teeth size, veneers may look very big or bulky; the only exception is if the material used is very thin. Hence, attaining success with these veneers is most excellent when restricted to definite cases.

Cosmetic Use of Veneers

Cosmetically, veneers may be applied to achieve teeth resurfacing by cosmetic dentist Chicago - for instance, to make teeth look straighter and also for them to have a better visually admirable alignment. This could be a swift process to enhance malposed teeth appearance and eliminate the use of orthodontics. However, the extent of the malposition will determine whether veneers are sufficient to correct it, or if there is a need to combine veneers with orthodontics.

Generally, dental veneers are placed in the category of cosmetic dentistry Chicago since they help to achieve whiter and superbly aligned teeth, as well as a brighter smile. Additionally, the transparent ceramic superiority of the modern day veneers offers a more natural look when compared to the early days of veneers.

Dental Cases Requiring Veneers

No matter what caused the teeth to be visually unpleasant, a solution can be realized through the use of dental veneers. Virtually all cosmetic dental cases can be resolved with veneers. Such dental issues include;

• Wear and tear: it is a natural occurrence for teeth to wear as aging sets in; consequently, cracks and chips are likely to occur. Also, aged teeth are prone to uneven appearance.

• Worn-out enamel: with the passage of time, the enamel may become weak, dull as well as discolored. Worn and discolored teeth may be a natural occurrence or a genetic factor. However, in most cases, enamel gets worn due to certain habits such as tobacco smoking, constant consumption of coffee, soft drink and tea.

• Case of genetics: some dental issues are genetic. For instance, some individuals may have odd spacing between the teeth from birth, and as age begins to set in, the space seems to widen more.

• Uneven teeth: this is one of the dental cases where veneers can be applied. Uneven teeth could be a consequence of tooth grinding or general case of wear and tear.

When is the Application of Veneers Required?

Bonding is usually a cost-effective and efficient restoration for minor cracks and chips in the teeth. Using a composite “white filling”, such as trivial dental issues can be made cosmetically by Chicago dental school and function well. In order to cover the crack or chip, a composite resin material is bonded to the tooth. This also offers better protection to the surrounding tooth structure. However, for serious situations such as wear, dullness, discoloration, abnormal spacing and uneven teeth, the more lasting solution recommended by tooth whitening Chicago dentists is dental veneers.

Veneers or Teeth Whitening?

For less severe teeth discoloration, laser teeth whitening Chicago may offer a whiter smile. However, some individuals who want to go for veneers are discouraged by dentist Chicago, who would rather recommend simpler alternatives such as teeth whitening which may be combined with simpler orthodontic alignment. Shaping or prepping of every tooth being fitted is necessary for dental veneers placement. This technique results in a permanent alteration of the teeth. For this purpose, the technique is not a good option for those whose natural teeth are visually and functionally satisfactory.

For severe issues of discolored or dull teeth, veneers may be the ideal alternative. The extra advantages of applying dental veneers are permanency and better enhancement of mouth appearance, improved smile, and perhaps other aspects of aging face that can be better enhanced through adequately shaped teeth.

In general, dental veneers achieve cosmetic, restorative and protective purposes. Dentists will advice you accordingly on the use of veneers.

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