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Ted L. Nancy Announces "Stories From A Moron" Now on Kindle

Ed Broth’s book available again.
Glendale, CA, United States of America ( 25/02/2011
Glendale, CA, February 25, 2011 -- Ted L. Nancy, author of the "Letters from A Nut" series of hit comedy books, is proud to announce that "Stories From A Moron" is now available to download on Kindle, Nook, or your computer.

The book, long our of print, has become available on or Barnes and Noble online as well as a host of other digital booksellers. It is published by St. Martins Press, a division of Macmillan Books.

Ted L. Nancy, who is of course, Barry Marder, wrote the book under the name Ed Broth. It includes a Foreword by Jerry Seinfeld.

"I was sick under Canadian knockoff prescription medications when I wrote the Moron book, says Nancy. "I didn’t know my name for a blackout period of 4 months." Otherwise I would have written it under Ted L. Nancy. I am also Ed Broth. I am ashamed. (If anyone cares)

"Stories From A Moron" is short stories Mr. Broth wrote and sent to magazines ill suited for them. For instance, he would write a story about shorty pajamas drying on a clothesline and send it to a fencing magazine. The fencing magazine would return the story explaining their magazine was for people into the art of fencing and swordsmanship. Ed would resubmit the story and send it back now with some fencing jammed in to the same story.

Ed would then send that whole mess of a story to a steamboat cruise magazine. They would send it back as not right for them. Ed would add some steamboating - toot tooting - a steamboat captain - along with the drying pajamas and fencing and resend it.

"There’s enough nonsense in here for everybody," says Ted. The book has many weird illustrations by Alan Marder, who also illustrates all the Ted L. Nancy "Nut" books.

Ted L. Nancy® is a registered trademark of Barry Marder. His website is TEDLNANCY.COM

Jerry Seinfeld took Barry Marder on "Larry King Live" and "The Today Show" with Matt Lauer in September 2010 and revealed Marder as the true author of the "Letters From A Nut" books. Phyllis Murphy is Mr. Nancy’s muse. She DOES NOT like cole slaw. Keep it away from her.

For any inquiries contact Eric Bjorgum at 213-785-8070.Bjorgum is Ted’s Norwegian attorney.

Mr. Eric Bjorgum
Ted L. Nancy®
Glendale, CA 91201


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Mr. Eric Bjorgum

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