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How to Grow Medical Marijuana Indoors

Growing marijuana can be an exciting experience, with so many options on how to grow; it's hard to decide where to even start.
Chemainus, BC, Canada ( 12/03/2011
Growing marijuana can be an exciting experience, with so many options on how to grow; it's hard to decide where to even start. Hydro, dirt, organic, nutrients, it's easy to get lost in options. First of all, you must decide where you want to grow, and I don’t mean address wise, I mean just as simple as indoor or outdoor. There are pros and cons to both, and it’s important you weigh out your options before you get started.

Growing indoor is a popular option for professional growers, having your crop on premises can really make things easily accessible, especially when you need to grow year round! Most of us do not have the pleasure of living in a tropical environment 365 days a year and have to create one in our own space for our baby girls to be able to survive all year round. Having your plants indoors makes it possible to monitor and adjust growth, stunting, and progress in flowering. Adjusting temperature, light and moisture is a luxury that outdoor growers just don’t have access to. Having such a wide range of control allows you to experiment with different kinds of strains and procedures that you would not be accessible in an outdoor crop. If you're serious about growing all year round, this option would be a good one for you.

However, along with anything that has pros, there will be cons. Growing marijuana indoors can be a risky experience at times. At times, the smell can be hard to mask, basically announcing to your neighbourhood that your basement is full of the precious green. Even though your crop is legal through Health Canada, it still is not something you want to be announcing to the world. Theft and marijuana have been known to go hand in hand unfortunately, and drawing attention to your personal place of residence is never a settling thought. Another downfall of growing indoors is, legal or not, your current provider may not be willing to insure your property, so growing outdoors or designating a grower is always something to consider.


Medical Marijuana Cure is an organization dedicated to providing patients with the tools, information, and support they need to find a safe and legal supply of Medical Marijuana. We are prepared to help with every step of the process, from the paperwork to practical advice on all issues surrounding the production, possession and use of medical cannabis. Marijuana is a miracle herb and those in need of it deserve to have it accessible.


Medical Marijuana Cure

3444 River Rd
Zipcode : V0R1K4