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Oh! Toys Hosts Contest to Encourage Children’s Creativity and Imagination

Oh! Toys, the online site for "cool toys that are hard to find' has launched the ongoing, biweekly "TOYS BY KIDS" contest to let kids run a bit wild in dreaming up whatever toy they can imagine.
Southborough, MA , United States of America ( 19/05/2011
Southborough, MA, May 18, 2011 - About 14 years ago Ken Kahn of Oh! Toys , discovered the Swiss toy Cuboro in a gift store. "It sounds a little silly," he says, "but it did, in fact, change my life." Originally bought as a building block and marble run toy gift for his young daughters, Cuboro wound up fascinating him as much as it did them -- for its wonderful design and it's developmental and educational qualities -- and its ability to totally absorb one's attention for extended periods of time! He wound up starting Oh! Toys to help promote Cuboro and provide "cool toys that are hard to find" here in the United States.

Oh! Toys is all about providing unique toys that encourage children to play and imagine. And now Oh! Toys is hosting the bi-weekly TOYS BY KIDS Contest to encourage children’s creativity and imagination. "Toys are often the tool that children use to play, the prop they use in pretending, and the unit by which they can build," says Oh! Toys owner. The Toys by Kids Contest is designed with fun in mind. The parent can spark the fun with the question, "If you could have a toy that could do or be anything, what would it be and what would you call it?" The answer to that question can win one child a personalized Landmark Maple Name Train!

The natural laws of the universe do not have to apply in the TOYS BY KIDS Contest. Parents can enjoy letting their child run with their imagination without inhibition and listening to their great ideas as they create their special toy. This gives parents a chance to encourage creativity an imagination in their child. As Albert Einstein put it, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.'

And the contest is working its own kind of magic and fun with the kids. Recent TOYS BY KIDS entries include such comments as, "My daughter would like to be squash-man so she can have special powers to grow yummy seeds to eat. She also believes squash-man can double as a hat so he is super-powerful," and "My 5 year old son would like a dragon that makes candy instead of fire. It would be a Choco-breath-dragon."

About Oh! Toys
Oh! Toys is an online toy store that specializes in offering toys that satisfy your gifted and creative child's need to explore, invent and think! Their toys are developmental, stimulate creative thinking and are beautifully made to last. Oh! Toys collection of European and Japanese toys ranges from kinetic toys and marble runs to unique wooden blocks and construction toys to hand-crafted tops and challenging puzzles. Oh! Toys looks for the unusual, "out-of-the-mainstream" toys that you and your children will play with and remember for a long time.

Ken Kahn
Oh! Toys
15 Liberty Drive
Southborough, MA 01772


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Ken Kahn

15 Liberty Drive
Zipcode : 01772

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