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Penis Redness – Main Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Methods

Discover the causes of a sore, red penis and learn what needs to be done to correctly treat the problem.
New York, NY, United States of America ( 19/05/2011
Typical complaints include the following: Penis redness occurs on the shaft or head of the penis, the penis becomes red and itchy,a red patch appears on the penis, the head of the penis becomes red, bumps or red spots appear on the penis; cracks, splits or cuts become noticeable on the head and shaft of the penis; the penis is sore to touch or hurts when urinating, and/or underwear or clothing adds to penis irritation.

The good news is that these complaints are common, and are in most instances caused by a simple and easily cured condition.

Red Penis Main Causes
In most cases, these complaints are caused by friction and inadequate penis care before, during, and after sexual encounters. As crazy as it sounds, the penis needs to be cared for regularly to ensure that it remains strong with resilient, soft and sensitive skin that is able to withstand any form of punishment. Let’s face it, many men don’t think of the skin of the penis as being delicate. They handle it roughly, don’t use adequate lubrication during sex, and fail to treat it with care. Then they wonder why penis redness, penis red spots, and penis bumps appear, along with red marks and abrasions on the penis.

However, on some occasions a red penis is caused by more than a lack of care. In some cases there are other, more serious, causes of penis redness. These include the following:

Allergic Reactions – Condoms, lubricants, the difference between the PH levels of the vagina and male sperm, as well as the ingredients used in detergents and soaps all can have an adverse effect on the penis and cause it to become inflamed and red.

Skin Conditions – Dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema are all common skin complaints that can affect the color of the penis.

STDs and infections – Jock Itch, Herpes, and Candida (Thrush) are the most common conditions encountered, along with Balantis, a penis inflammatory disease.

Red Penis Symptoms
Typically, the penis becomes red and inflamed. Small cuts or abrasions may appear on the shaft and head, along with red patches, bumps or spots. The redness may subside during periods of inactivity, but reoccur when sexual activity takes place. This may be oral, anal or vaginal, and include masturbation or even a lap dance. The penis may also sting, be painful when urinating or sore when touched, and have flaky, peeling skin.

Red Penis Treatment
First and foremost, abstain from any sexual activity until the cause of the penis redness is determined. Continuing to have sex will not only aggravate the condition and increase penis irritation, penis red spots, and penis bumps, but also may make recovery much slower.

To treat allergic reactions it is recommended that brands of condoms, lubricants, detergents and soaps be changed. Start with one product first, change this, and progressively try different brands to see if this eliminates the problem of penis redness. Also shower or use a damp cloth to cleanse the genitalia after sex. This dilutes the PH levels of sperm or vaginal secretions and reduces the chances of any allergic reactions occurring.

Skin Conditions, and STDs and infections are a little trickier to diagnose and will require a visit to a medical practitioner, urologist or dermatologist so that effective treatment can be offered.

However, before considering any of the more serious conditions it is recommended that the most common cause of a red penis, also known as friction and inadequate penis care, be considered and that a penis recovery program be followed. This is relatively simple, and involves using a penis specific creme, (health professionals often recommend Man1 Man Oil) daily. A good penis creme contains essential vitamins and minerals that care for and maintain the health of the penis, which moisturize and protect the skin of the penis and aids in healing.

Please note: If symptoms persist--penis redness is not subsiding or the condition is worsening--after following this care program for more than 14 days it is recommended that medical advice be sought.

For additional information on most common penis health issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit: John Dugan writes about men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites including

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