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Gardner Landscaping llc is a full service Landscaping and Lawn Care and lawn maintainence, Irrigation and Outdoor Lighting company located in Birmingham.
Birmingham, Alabama, United States of America ( 01/09/2011
Landscaping is needed when one desires to transform and make-over the garden area. The change in the landscape is done by either the owner of the land or handed over to the landscape experts. As the spring season come, avid nature lovers focus their attention toward maintenance of garden and landscape. The landscape having weeds have to be uprooted and chemical fertilizers should be limited to minimum to ensure eco-friendly landscaping method. The manure obtained from plant wastes helps in growth of greenery. Birmingham is one of the picturesque cities of England with high economic profile and temperate climate. Experts at Birmingham have good observation and design skills. They are aware of the elements of nature and construction and are capable to blend them perfectly. Landscaping service at Birmingham has build up methods to reuse the concrete site to build walls, stairs, benches and other things for a new drive, shrub bed or swimming pool. Reusing the landscape material helps to save much money and energy in haul-off and dumping. Through various eco techniques such as aqua gel, start up hormones and fertilizers, mycorrhizal fungi and soil conditioners, the plants can be successfully moved and re-planted to a new location. Landscaping is done to enhance the garden area and keep flora and fauna in its healthiest and natural form. Landscaping Birmingham offers services for residential area, corporate, municipal, Sports Park or any other campus. According to the needs of the customer, site conditions and style of architecture in building, the landscaping experts design and develop a detailed sketch. The flora, flora beds, pots, walkway, pool and lights adds a chic and colourful look to the land area.
The sketch made by the experts can have varying cost range depending on the known materials and changes required. The cost includes design, cleanliness, quality and design perfection. The landscape experts also serve in edging, pruning, landscape ornamentation and patios and pavers. The correct variety of trees and shrubs planted in the best location of any home or office gives the much needed privacy and security. The bushes and shrubs should not be too dense for any stranger to hide behind. The trees should not be daunting during strong winds for the building nearby. The professionals in landscaping understand each plant and guide their client with such important information. These professionals are experienced horticulturist providing innovative solutions to add colour and brighten up the landscape. The water features like pools, ponds and waterfalls are also handled elaborately and to its perfection. They even have solutions for soil erosion and drainage troubles.


Welcome to Gardner Landscaping. We are focused on providing homeowners and businesses with quality service. Gardner Landscaping remembers what you want done and how you want it done.


denial frank

Albama B2 4XJ
Zipcode : 35215