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A Lawful Guide for Successful Immigration & Citizenship - Manchanda Law

The foremost purpose of this press release is to assist people towards the procedures involved while filling documents for Immigration to US. In an effort to control illegal immigration to the country, government has reformed the law accordingly. Manchanda Law Firm, through their expert attorneys helps people in fulfilling the requirements in legal and wise way.
NY, New York, United States of America ( 22/09/2011
The authentic definition of Immigration law is “national government policies which control the events of immigration to their country.” Reading the above definition seems quite simple, but the procedure involved is generally complicated, lengthy and even expensive. In the past few decades, the employment-based immigration to developed countries has increased manifolds. In addition, getting an official Permanent Resident status, or a “green card,” is a tedious and stressful job.

With the increasing heads for immigration towards United States of America, the Government of the country decided to introduce the “Preference system” in the immigration law. This preference system is based upon the nature of the employment in terms of educational level and ability required. Different groups are created depending upon the preferences as first, second and third group. People falling under first group can easily obtain the citizenship in contrast to other two groups. A lengthy procedure awaits the people under other two groups or for people who do not qualify for any preference group. Under these circumstances, Manchanda-Law Offices PLLC emerged as a reliable law firm that provides legal assistance to people who are willing to immigrate to USA for education, jobs or business purpose.

The firm has veteran attorneys and professionals from American Immigration Lawyers Association, who ensure that the needy people get accurate, well-updated and complete knowledge on reformed Immigration law. The firm lends its hands in filling documents related to different immigration cases like-: Family-Based Immigrant and Non-Immigrant Visa Petitions, Employment-Based Visa Petitions, Deportation and Removal Defense, and Immigration Appeals, Special Immigration Petitions and Projects.

The highly experienced and talented attorneys of the firm help people by recommending the wisest route to take in obtaining a visa approval or a green card. Whatever the need, turning to legal professionals can be much more hassle-free and efficient than moving forward by your own. Hence, one should always make use of legal assistance for successful immigration to any country. An unauthorized immigration means illegal entry to a nation and if once charged, it can ruin whole life.

For immigration, citizenship, civil rights, criminal cases, etc. related assistance and guidance on any legal issue form Manchanda-Law Offices, PLLC; logon to

Contact Information:
Manchanda Law Offices PLLC
80 Wall Street,
Suite 705
New York, NY 10005
Phone: 212-968-8600
Fax: 212-968-8601


Manchanda-Law Offices PLLC headquartered in New York specializes in Immigration Law, International Law, and Criminal Defense. Rahul is the founder and principal of Manchanda Law Offices PLLC and heads a skilled team of attorneys.


Manchanda Law

80 Wall Street, Suite 705
Zipcode : 10005
(212) 968-8600

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