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Aromatherapy Diffuser To Solve Insomnia Without Using DrugsFeatured PR

Chi Activate, makers of the popular ChiSoft Traction devices, now launches their new aromatherapy diffuser to treat sufferers of insomnia. Aromatherapy has been shown to provide quick relief for insomnia and induce longer, deeper sleep.
Blaine, WA, United States of America ( 30/03/2012
Chi Activate, makers of the popular ChiSoft Traction devices, is expanding from treating chronic neck and back pain, and now tackles the perennial problem of insomnia. The battle against sleeplessness is the age-old anxiety remedy, aromatherapy. Lavender essential oil has been effectively used to improve sleep.

Last Christmas, Chi Activate has sold out the aromatherapy diffuser with free lavender essential oil.

Aromatherapy Diffuser And Insomnia

Aromatherapy has long been known for its calming and relaxing effects on people and the surroundings. These days, aromatherapy diffusers are gaining popularity in bedrooms all over the world. Mark, Customer Service Manager of Chi Activate, explains it best.

"Aromatherapy candles can accidentally fall over and start a fire, while synthetic scented oils can release harmful ingredients into the air overnight," Mark explains. "Our aromatherapy diffuser, on the other hand, uses the safest methods -- either pressure or heat -- to diffuse essential oils into the air."

Numerous studies have shown that while aromatherapy does not cure insomnia, it does offer short-term relief from anxiety and insomnia. Chronic insomniacs have reported longer and deeper periods of sleep when treated to aromatherapy in the bedroom.

An 'Epidemic' Costing Million of Dollars Per Year

Today, millions of people don't get nearly enough sleep. This chronic lack of sleep, whether caused by insomnia or a busy lifestyle, costs industries millions of dollars in sick days. Worse, a large percentage of all road accidents are caused by sleepy drivers dozing off on the wheel.

"Studies have shown that chronic lack of sleep can reduce a person's lifespan by a whole year or more," Mark says. "We at Chi Activate would like to make the statistics look a little better by helping people get better sleep. And we believe aromatherapy is the key to that."

The art of aromatherapy has been in existence for thousands of years, and has been scientifically proven to treat insomnia, anxiety, and other stress-related disorders. Candles and oils are among the oldest media for aromatherapy, but aromatherapy diffusers are safer and circulate scents longer, making them ideal for overnight use.

Giving Away Lavender Oils Plus Free Download FREE Aromatherapy Ebook.

Chi Activate is giving way away free essential oils with a purchase of their Aromatherapy Diffusers.

To assist customer understand how to use aromatherapy diffuser for better sleep and the benefits of different essentials oils, Chi Activate has published a free ebook. Customer can download this ebook full with valuable aromatherapy tips at:

About Chi Activate

Chi Activate is the maker of the ChiSoft Neck Traction and other popular devices that treat chronic pain and medical conditions. It also employs the use of methods such as aromatherapy to treat chronic psychological conditions, such as insomnia and anxiety.

1300 Boblett Street, Unit A 181
Seattle, WA 98230
Phone: 310-2563174



ChiActivate is lucky to be one of the few companies who have found great success during an economic downturn. In fact, according to the company's product manager, ChiActivate is having to stock more product than ever just to keep up with the demand.


Jason vanDijk

1300 Boblett Street, Unit A 181
Zipcode : 98230