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Virginia Wholesale Lumber Distributors Educate On Pressure Treated Wood
Virginia Wholesale Lumber Distributors Educate On Pressure Treated Wood
Curtis Lumber & Plywood, a Virginia wholesale lumber distributor, created a page educating on how long pressure treated wood lasts.
United States
Curtis Lumber & Plywood, a Virginia wholesale lumber distributor, recently released a blog answering the question "what is pressure treated wood?". Curtis Lumber & Plywood is located in Springfield, Virginia, 10 miles away from the nation's capital. They are an independently owned and operated wholesale distribution yard, serving retail lumber dealers all throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Curtis Lumber & Plywood holds employees to a high standard, offering knowledgeable services and exceptional customer service.
The process of making pressure treated wood can be timely. All dependent on the environment where it's treated, the wood relies on exposure to sunlight and a moderate climate to properly dry. At the very start of the pressure treatment process, wood is loaded up into a retort. A retort is a horizontal steel cylinder that greatly resembles a rail car. All air is removed from both the cylinder and the structure of the wood itself, down to the cellular level. The cylinder is then flooded with chemicals, pushing down with 160 pounds of pressure to penetrate the wood's cell structure. Once it's properly dried on a drip pad, the wood is able to be shipped off to suppliers.
Woods that are used in heavy construction are split into two main groups, wood being used above ground and wood that will be in contact with or less than six inches from the ground. For those above-ground projects, make sure that the wood is properly ventilated and has drainage. This wood also must never be closer than six inches to the ground. The wood that does come in contact with the ground, must be able to withstand the moisture. This wood tends to have double the level of chemical retention and protection compared to wood used in above-ground projects. Wood for projects that include ground contact will either be directly touching the ground or within six inches of it.
If you are in need of information regarding pressure treated wood or would like to purchase treated wood for a project, reach out to this wholesale lumber distributor. Curtis Lumber & Plywood has been serving customers since 1957, offering a long list of specialty wood and efficient delivery services. You can contact Curtis Lumber & Plywood by calling (703) 972-1947, or by visiting their website at