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Engagement Rings Diamond JewelryFeatured PR

The custom and tradition of giving an engagement ring from man to woman dated back to ancient Rome. At those times, an iron ring was passed to bride-to-be and intended to be worn on the left ring finger because it was thought that a vein linked that finger directly to the heart. Iron ring ad the metal was in short supply and could be considered as precious gift as well by ancient standards.
Montreal, Quebec, Canada ( 25/08/2010

"The custom and tradition of giving an engagement ring from man to woman dated back to ancient Rome. "

The custom and tradition of giving an engagement ring from man to woman dated back to ancient Rome. At those times, an iron ring was passed to bride-to-be and intended to be worn on the left ring finger because it was thought that a vein linked that finger directly to the heart. Iron ring ad the metal was in short supply and could be considered as precious gift as well by ancient standards.

In the Middle Ages, when the betrothed man and woman exchanged a simple ring without a gem. It was the thought and the intent was counted not the items that symbolize the family unit. It is believed that the first woman to have worn diamond engagement ring was Agnes Sorel a mistress of Charles VII. It was then that began the tradition of wearing a engagement and wedding ring with diamond: Archduke Maximilian of Habsburg gave one to Mary of Burgundy in 1477 as stated by historical record. The diamond stone is extremely resistant, becomes the symbol of marital fidelity.

However it is not exactly known when engagement rings and wedding bands come into tradition as the gift and symbol of the begging of the new family. It is also not clear was is a social custom or religious tradition. What is known is that the appearance of earlier rings were very much alike the present day engagement and wedding ring. Therefore, based on the historical records we can safely assume that starting from 16th century custom and tradition of engagement and wedding ring came into mainstream in western civilization. Additionally, it is also established that engagement rings were clearly distinguished from the wedding ring, along with different tradition of religious practice and rituals. From that depth of history it is came into common understanding that engagement ring should be decorated with a gemstone and particularly diamonds, while the wedding rings remained to be a simple band.

Diamonds as the precious gemstone came to be an important value much earlier and originated from Eastern Civilizations. It is documented in historical records that diamond deposits were mined in India in eighth century BC. History has lost its track as to when and how East has met the West and how and in what form the tradition of buying diamond as the precious items become popular in Europe. Trade routs has facilitated the trade and transactions of multiple forms of currencies, but the idea of acquiring the diamonds as the form of investment has earned its appeal earlier.

Then European civilization has gone further its Eastern counterparts and the sixteenth century, Antwerp became the main trading center, dealing with nearly half of world diamond trade of that times, while India was the sole producer of diamond up until the late eighteen century, when diamond deposits were discovered in other parts of the world namely South Africa and Latin America. Antwerp has preserved its premise and allure over the time and remains to be such in our days as well, while global map of diamond suppliers has grown and diversified. Today major centers of diamond productions are Botswana, Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia and Australia.

How it all came into being. In ancient Egypt, the diamond symbolizes the power and the sun which is the symbol of power, so diamonds were put into the head jewelry of rich and powerful people. In India, diamonds regards as a talisman that can protect from all dangers. In middle east it was thought that diamonds gives the warriors the strength to win battles. There is no mention of diamond jewelry worn by a women before the fifteenth century. Throughout history diamonds as the most precious items in Western Civilization were given as the precious gifts by men to their women as the symbol of utmost trust and appreciations. When diamond supply became in abundance it was put into jewelry, as rich and powerful of the societies of that times had an apparent need to demonstrate their wealth through the public display of diamonds in the form of men and women diamond jewelry.

Ever since diamond jewelry has evolved with the times, tastes, fashion, diamond supply and income rising among common people. To follow the trends of diamond jewelry, engagement rings customs and traditions, read on "History of Engagement Rings OffShelf" Essay.



Blog on Engagement Rings and Public News portal on jewelry and diamond engagement rings with particular focus on history of engagement rings and wedding band, customs and traditions of making engagement ceremonies and practices, new trends and fashion in jewelry.


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jewelry, engagement rings, diamond jewelry, diamonds