Latest Press Releases

  • 821

    Prof. Kartik Hosanagar Joins Board of Directors of AKG Group

    In a press release from Philadelphia, Mr. Achalesh Amar, VP, Product Development, AKG Group welcomed Prof. Kartik Hosanagar to the board of directors.

    By : | 12-20-2009 | Art and Entertainment:Movies | Total Views : 821

  • 1181

    Oxford Medical Has Announced a New One Day and Three Day Medical Management Courses

    Oxford Medical which is one of the most reputed names in the UK for the best medical interviews courses and medical management courses has launched another superb career development course for doctors.

    By : | 12-20-2009 | Medical:Medical | Total Views : 1181

  • 1058

    Christmas Wishes From Frosty Himself!

    Make this Christmas personal and send out cards that everybody will love. The words 'Oooh where did you get that from?'

    By : | 12-20-2009 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1058

  • 1127

    In Vitro Diagnostics Market - A Hotspot For Venture Capital Funding

    The global In-vitro diagnostics market is expected to show high growth to a value of $42.57 billion in 2012.

    By : | 12-20-2009 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 1127

  • 1069

    CirtexHosting Adds Support For PostgreSQL Databases in cPanel

    CirtexHosting, a leader in Linux Web hosting, announced today it has added PostgreSQL Hosting, enabling its customers to create and manage PostgreSQL databases through the cPanel control panel.

    By : | 12-19-2009 | Technology:Industrial | Total Views : 1069

  • 947

    Are you Fashionable in the New Decade? DolceFugo’s take on today’s fashion and designer shopping tre

    DolceFugo’s own Giovanni Ficca explores the place of fashion and shopping for designer clothes in today’s world.

    By : | 12-19-2009 | Business:Advertising Or Marketing | Total Views : 947

  • 2656

    Save up to 75% with Smokeless Cigarette

    Modern Vapor Electronic Cigarette is the hottest and newest smoking alternative device feels you a test of real traditional cigarette without that 4000 chemicals and toxins. The best part of this Electronic device is that you can save up to 75 % of your traditional cigarette and save THOUSANDS of dollars a year.

    By : | 12-19-2009 | Business:Business | Total Views : 2656

  • 846


    Proctor and Gamble, a U.S. company that has a presence in almost every American home, manufactures a diverse set of products ranging from toothpaste and shampoo to disposable wipes and prescription drugs. But since 2004, they have also been sharing clean drinking water with the world.

    By : | 12-19-2009 | Business:Business | Total Views : 846

  • 1052

    Mystic Management Systems reports record growth in ensur document control software sales.

    Through eleven months of 2009, Mystic Management Systems’ sales are up 21% over the full year of 2008 and are expected to approach 50% growth at year end. As the world’s economy has experienced a lull, Mystic’s sales have continued to climb and the company continues to gain share in the document control software market.

    By : | 12-19-2009 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 1052

  • 940

    Cracked nuts and the credit crunch

    It seems as though so many people are losing their jobs at the moment.

    By : | 12-19-2009 | Business:Business | Total Views : 940