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Press Releases from Canada

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Following are the list of Press releases from Canada. Click on the title of the Press Release to view more details, share, print or to comment on the press release.
  • 964

    $5000 Weight Loss Challenge- Lose Weight and Bag a Bumper Cash Prize

    Ever heard of winning cash for losing weight? If you think that is impossible, here is the opportunity for you to win a $5000 bumper cash prize for losing weight.

    By : | 09-12-2010 | Health and Fitness:Diet Or Weight Loss | Total Views : 964

  • 1455

    Scalar Pendant Made From Japanese Volcanic Lava Strengthens Energy Field Around Body

    A Scalar pendant that comes from deep-sea volcanic lava is being touted as a health accessory that can strengthen the energy field around the human body using a special technology.

    By : | 09-12-2010 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 1455

  • 808

    Body Aches and Fatigue Reduced by Scalar Energy Pendant

    Using research done by a 19th century scientist, a portable piece of jewelry reduces body aches and fatigue by emitting a natural type of energy that has been around since the creation of the universe.

    By : | 09-12-2010 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 808

  • 780

    Canada Slow To Recognize Human Slavery in Canada

    On Tuesday September 7th 2010 three anti trafficking campaigns were launched. Public Safety Minister Vic Toews, Crime Stoppers and the RCMP launched a campaign aimed to inform Canadians of human trafficking and how to recognize it. The public awareness campaign was launched on the success of Bill C-268 coming into law on June 17 2010. The bill put forward by Manitoba MP Joy Smith's tireless lobbying to implement a five year minimum sentence for those convicted of human trafficking.

    By : | 09-09-2010 | Society:Society | Total Views : 780

  • 725

    Get to #1 with Social Media Optimization –

    Search engine optimization is now considered by most online companies around the world to be the best possible solution to create a highly potent presence on the internet.

    By : | 09-08-2010 | Technology:Internet | Total Views : 725

  • 748

    Real Estate Broker Nawel K Seth Helps to Raise Money for Charity with His Flat Fee MLS & other MLS

    The veteran Real Estate Broker Nawel K Seth, who brought Flat Fee MLS, Unbundled MLS, and several other Firsts in Real Estate Brokerage business now wants to help with raising money for any charitable cause. He is offering to *match and donate up to 50% of his Listing Brokerage earnings to any registered charitable cause of your choice. Though over the years, many brokerages have raised funds for charities, never before such a high percentage of the brokerage earning have been committed for charity.

    By : | 09-06-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 748

  • 967

    Scalar Bio Energy Pendant Blocks EMFs Providing Protection

    A scalar bio energy pendant that is being touted as one of the hottest health accessories in the world today offers protection from EMFs and other health benefits.

    By : | 09-06-2010 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 967

  • 755

    Scalar Energy Pendant May be Effective Chronic Fatigue Solution

    For those who are seeking an effective CFS aid this scalar energy pendant may be an effective chronic fatigue solution, using an energy pendant without suffering any side effects may just be the answer they are looking for.

    By : | 09-06-2010 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 755

  • 1332, Newly Launched Free Porn Videos Website Supports All Leading Smart is a newly launched but fast growing free porn videos website. This website can also be accessed by mobile users. This website supports all leading smart phones including iPhone.

    By : | 09-03-2010 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 1332

  • 514

    Get The Best Of Junk Removal Ottawa With Capital Bins

    If you are looking for professional junk removal Ottawa services to help with your garbage problems, Capital Bins can serve as the best solution. "The unique drop off and collection technique through special bins makes the entire system intuitive and hassle free", comments a spokesperson for the company

    By : | 09-03-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 514