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The German white-label mobile payment company payworks introduces a mobile Chip & PIN solution that allows processing of major credit cards as well as local debit card schemes In case the priority regarding a community trademark over a national trade mark is in debate, then the day of registration is applicable and not the particular time
Inheritance claims may end at the close of the year, as a result of legislation alternation in obedience with the inheritance reform.
As is documented in a recent decision by the ruling of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH, II ZR 243/11 from the 19.06.2012)
If for example, the main priority of a community trademark over a national trade mark is in question
The reiterated warning, in line with the ruling of the Higher Court of Oldenburg (Oberlandesgericht), can be necessary and justified.
Jellyfish – Tentacle Debacle is the first casual game for windows 8 from Germany and could attract attention as a free pre-version.
Any reasonably flat and load-bearing subfloor is suitable for rubber floor tiles.
The decision of the German Federal Finance Court (BFH) dated 07/04/2012 (AZ: II R 15/11) evidently stipulated that the income tax debt for the entire 12 month period of the passed-on individual is tax deductible.
Intestacy cases can often be governed by the German as well as the foreign succession laws which can complicate the implementation of the inheritors’ rights and claims
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