Press Releases for MMORPG

  • 1408

    Enter a fantasy world of adventure!

    Wouldn't it be great to be able to escape from the boredom of the work or school day and set off on a fantasy adventure where encounters with knights, magic and dragons await?

    By : | 11-28-2012 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 1408

  • 1460

    Battlestar Galactica Goes Online

    The hit TV show comes to your screen as a stunning multiplayer online game

    By : | 09-22-2012 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 1460

  • 945

    A new online MMORPG / MMO Game Portal Launches: XMMORPG

    Good news for all MMO Game enthusiasts, Online MMORPG / MMO games portal launched for latest reviews, videos, previews and news updates of popular MMORPG games.

    By : | 10-08-2010 | Computer:Games and Entertainment | Total Views : 945

  • 1974

    Guild Wars 2, images and video for the MMORPG NCsoft

    Latest research into why we sleep has scientists proposing various theories about why we spend over a third of our lives sleeping

    By : | 09-15-2010 | Computer:Games and Entertainment | Total Views : 1974

  • 863

    W3Creative releases version 4 of its virtual world simulation game

    Bilthoven, The Netherlands, June 1. the creator of the simcountry game announces the release of its latest version. W3creative founder and CEO, Jossi Gil, said: Simcountry 4 is a major step forward and will add new dimension to this extensive environment where thousands of players are building countries, empires, enterprises and now also space stations and shuttles.

    By : | 06-19-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 863

  • 789 Steps Consumers through the Wonderful World of MMORPGs

    Before you decide to invest your time and resources playing massively multiplayer online role playing game, read the guide issued by so you can see the advantages and disadvantages of paid subscription games and free to play games. This information can greatly impact how well you invest your time with these games.

    By : | 04-04-2012 | Computer:Games and Entertainment | Total Views : 789

  • 629

    Canadian studio releases new MMORPG, Aerrevan.

    After more than 4 years of production on their latest free to play MMORPG, the independent game studio CubeForce Media offers up Aerrevan. Set in a fantasy world and boasting many unique features, Aerrevan is sure to captivate and enthrall players from all over the world.

    By : | 08-09-2011 | Technology:Internet | Total Views : 629

  • 594

    New content for Yslandia, the real-time MMORPG for iPhone

    After more than three months of productive feedback, Yslandia now offers even richer content, more adventures, and new social features

    By : | 01-27-2011 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 594