Press Releases for Satire

  • 965

    Staff Monkeys: A Journey Through the Middle East with Humor and Satire

    Active duty U.S. Army officer publishes humorous book about serving in the military. entitled Staff Monkeys: A Stockbroker's Journey Through The Global War On Terror. LTC Peter Clark, USA, is currently assigned to the Army’s Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT), MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida. Originally entering the Army in 1985, he served until 1997, then was recalled to active duty in 2005. Between military tours, he worked as a stock broker in California.

    By : | 09-20-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Books | Total Views : 965

  • 887


    Long before the “Real Housewives” became a franchise and even before “Desperate Housewives,” hit the airwaves, Sandra Gurvis, author of 14 nonfiction books and one novel, was working on her second novel, COUNTRY CLUB WIVES, a satire about women, money, and homeless animals set in “New Albany, oops, New Wellington, Ohio.” Although it centers around the fate of four self-proclaimed "drama queens,” at its core is its first-person narrator, Tish McLean, who has been left high and dry, both financial

    By : | 10-21-2011 | Art and Entertainment:Books | Total Views : 887