Press Releases for detoxing

  • 743

    Alice Detox Lodge, South Africa - unique on a global scale

    Alice Detox Lodge is a unique venue specializing in a full-bodydetoxification program, executed in a state-of-the art detox treatment center.It's situated north-west of Johannesburg, South Africa, in a spectacular riverside location.

    By : | 01-30-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 743

  • 574

    Detoxing in Alcohol Abuse Treatment

    Any time you join a rehabilitation software, a medical expert will recommend medical detoxing. It is important for a effective treatment program. In this medical phase, any trace of liquor is taken away from a body.

    By : | 10-10-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 574