Press Releases for j2ee

  • 1023

    iBoss Redefines Offshore Software Development in India with Path-Breaking Approach

    iBoss - Quality offshore outsource software development company in india uncovering better ways of developing quality custom softwares to create optimised solutions for offshore outsource software development clients worldwide.

    By : | 07-05-2010 | Computer:Software | Total Views : 1023

  • 954

    Develop secure Java EE applications using Packt's new GlassFish book

    “GlassFish Security” is a new book from Packt that will help readers to secure their GlassFish installation, Web applications, EJB applications and Application Client modules. Users will also learn to secure Java EE artifacts (like Servlets and EJB methods), configure and use GlassFish JAAS modules, and establish environment and network security using this practical guide filled with examples. Furthermore, by using this book, they will be able to authenticate, authorize, and audit Web services

    By : | 06-01-2010 | Computer:Security | Total Views : 954

  • 608

    Web Application Development with N-Tier Application Development

    Many of the professional web development companies are using processes of simplifying the web application development and one of the processes is used by HiddenBrains in the way of N-Tier Application Development..

    By : | 03-24-2011 | Computer:Programming | Total Views : 608

  • 856

    Soloscript Presents the Latest in Java tutorial and More on Programming Sockets is the answer to all possible queries related to Java programming technicalities with topics explaining the benefit of Java, programming of sockets, reverse class diagram and more on setting up Java.

    By : | 01-31-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 856