Free Press Releases

  • 667

    Contus Support Is First To Release Groupon Clone For Android OS

    Group buying is the new shopping strategy where instead of buying a product singly we can buy the same product in multiple units grouping with others who want to buy the same.Groupclone app for Android the users can enjoy all utile group buying tools such as Make deals, Share deals in social networking sites, Facebook login etc.

    By : | 03-22-2011 | Technology:Internet | Total Views : 667

  • 521

    The KIIDs are alright with CLS Communication translations

    The new EU UCITS IV regulation requires a Key Investor Information Document (KIID) for all UCITS funds

    By : | 03-22-2011 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 521

  • 727

    Exquisite Bathroom Taps for less than you may have imagined

    As more and more online shops over wider choices of bathroom taps you can now discover the right make, model and finish to suit your tastes at prices that are guaranteed to please.

    By : | 03-22-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 727

  • 718

    Boots Hearing Care Offers Free Hearing Tests as The Levels of Hearing Loss Increase

    Hearing loss is on the rise, according to Professor Adrian Davis of the British MRC Institute of Hearing Research. As the levels of hearing loss increase Boots hearing care offers free hearing tests.

    By : | 03-22-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 718

  • 889

    Vacature Tandartsassistente, Maastricht is dé vacaturebank voor tandartsen, tandartsassistentes, mondhygiënistes, kaakchirurgen, implantologen, orthodontisten, preventieassistentes, mondzorgkundigen en andere tandheelkundige specialisten die een toekomst op willen bouwen bij Dental Clinics.

    By : | 03-22-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 889

  • 712

    FortuneProps Listings Site India to Rent Office Space in Bangalore

    FortuneProps is an affordable corporate service provider for plug & play office spaces for rent in Bangalore.

    By : | 03-22-2011 | Business:Publications | Total Views : 712

  • 395

    Bandipur National Park has famous fauna attractions

    Bandipur National Park is one of the well known parks in India which protects tigers of Karnataka. There are many species of flora and fauna which are preserved in this park for visitors. Many tourists come here to visit this park and experience a great wildlife and adventure.

    By : | 03-22-2011 | Travel:Travel | Total Views : 395

  • 688

    XO Communications & LiveVox to Discuss the Value of MPLS for Call Centers at Channel Partners 2011

    Telecom agents can hear how to maximize opportunities as their contact center clients increase migration to VoIP

    By : | 03-22-2011 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 688

  • 559

    GD-PI mantras: Pay attention to your body language

    Body language plays a major role in the group discussion and personal interview rounds. Your action speaks louder than your words. So be careful before you act as it can destroy the entire game which you had almost won by utilizing your content, multiple entries and leadership skills. In this article, we talk about the gestures which should be absolutely avoided by you: 1. Pointing fingers: Pointing fingers generally signify talking in anger and accusing someone with your finger. It exhibits you

    By : | 03-22-2011 | Education:College Or University | Total Views : 559

  • 530

    New Car Loan Financing To Buy Your Dream Vehicle

    Buying new car is passion for most of the people. But, many times it is seen that such people faces financial hurdles in fulfilling their dream to own a new car. However, financial market and companies like has launched a way to overcome such hurdles by means new car loans.

    By : | 03-22-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 530