Latest Press Releases

  • 798

    Fort Collins Fitness Center

    START Working Out Smart Most people think working out extremely hard, sweat a ton and push yourself until you almost puke or pass out will deliver Big Results. This is so far from the truth it's ridiculous! I HATE the TV Show "The Biggest Loser" all it teaches people is if a trainer kicks your butt all day long you will get tremendous results. DON'T believe it...remember it's a TV SHOW. If you workout TOO HARD your burning muscle...NOT FAT! so if your #1 goal is to lose scale weight then burn of

    By : | 12-13-2010 | Health and Fitness:Diet Or Weight Loss | Total Views : 798

  • 660

    Balham, Oval and Acton Estate Agent Davis and Gibbs Announce the Market for Lettings Is Still Strong

    Davis and Gibbs lettings department are pleased to announce that the lettings market is still strong.

    By : | 12-12-2010 | Business:Real Estate | Total Views : 660

  • 846

    As Acer are all set to bring to market the Revo 100, what do experts think about Acer's product?

    A discussion of Acer's new media sharing device, the Revo 100, with quotes and commentaries from a diverse range of experts within the IT industry. Personal opinions of the new Revo 100 are given, with the features of what is available included and how the industry will likely react to this new media sharing device. The new Revo 100 is also mentioned with respect to the rivals of Acer and how they may attempt to trump Acer by making similar devices to the Revo 100.

    By : | 12-12-2010 | Computer:Computer | Total Views : 846

  • 880

    Could considering changes to public transport costs affect the prices of leased Ford models?

    A press release explaining the rumour that there could be an increase in public transport costs and the effect this could have on mid-sized companies. The impact of these proposed changes is also discussed in relation to how it will affect Ford leasing prices and how this could affect rental companies on the whole. Numerous quotes are incorporated from specialists in the industry, like those working within prominent as well as small scale leasing firms and car showrooms.

    By : | 12-12-2010 | Automotive:Automotive | Total Views : 880

  • 600

    Atlantic Coast Media Group Donates Turkeys For Thanksgiving

    Atlantic Coast Media Group CEOs Thomas Shipley and Andrew Surwilo rolled up their sleeves alongside other volunteers in Jersey City last month to help pass out the turkeys and boxes of stuffing donated by their company for the Thanksgiving holiday.

    By : | 12-12-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 600

  • 1118

    Anyoption Provides Investors With Safe And Secure Online Trading Platform To Trade Binary Options

    Anyoption is one of the most reliable online trading platforms to trade binary options. This is a very user friendly trading platform that is fast, accurate and reliable. Anyoption offers guaranteed returns.

    By : | 12-12-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1118

  • 590

    Free Local Business Web page and advertising opportunities at Poughkeepsie Marketplace

    Local businesses now have an easy way to get a free web page and promote their products and services.

    By : | 12-12-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 590

  • 833 Comment On Rise In Football Betting, a leading UK-based online bookmaking advisor, comments on the rise in popularity of betting on football above horse racing.

    By : | 12-12-2010 | Sports:Sports | Total Views : 833

  • 580

    Try Sun Self Tanning Lotion by Sun Labs for Most Satisfying Results

    Sun Self Tanning lotion is a great option for those who want to obtain natural-looking tan without getting any sun damage. But, using tanning lotions that are available locally at cheap prices may damage your skin. Instead of giving it an appeal, these lotions end up damaging skin, giving it an unhealthy and unwanted look. Self Tanning lotion by Sun Labs contains ingredients that nourish your skin, prevent premature-aging and dehydration, and offer variety of sensations for senses and skin.

    By : | 12-12-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 580

  • 756 Comment On Rise In Financial Market Betting, a leading UK-based online bookmaking advisor, comment on the trend for betting on the financial market which has emerged in recent years.

    By : | 12-11-2010 | Sports:Sports | Total Views : 756