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Redefined: iPad/iPhone App Development Technology
Redefined: iPad/iPhone App Development Technology 
Software Associates have impeccable records in building applications for iPad, Android and iPhone. They possess decades of experience in application development platform.
"iPad application development"
Bangalore, India. 10.02.2010 - Rich Internet Applications have many advantages like faster access to information, enhanced security, and local data storage. Apple iPhone app is still the hottest segments in mobile applications industry. IPhone and iPad apps development are used to provide customized services. The innovations in the iPad application development paid the manufacturers a rich dividend. The current trend is towards paid consumer apps. They provide an immediate payback compared to advertisement based applications. The iphone application library is still a primary market for mobile phone applications. The features that determine iPhone and iPad development are website optimization for mobile platforms, Google maps integration, core animation and multimedia framework.
Android was introduced with a big bang in the industry. The upcoming Android table segment will further enable penetration of PC. Its influence can be seen in low costing computing devices. Android database connectivity and iphone to android conversion is offered. Software Associates have built functionality to enable porting business applications to android. They support HTC Wildfire and other hand phones. Android has some major applications in GIS (Geographical Information Systems).
No screen refresh is needed as far as Rich Internet Application is considered. Low bandwidth consumption over Wi-Fi connections is another advantage. Android is the second most popular mobile development environment. The android SDK includes a comprehensive set of development tools. Android created waves in the market. With the growing number of Android handsets there has also been an increased interest by third party developers to port their applications to the Android operating system.
The android operating system has grown significantly. A lot of most popular internet sites and services have created native applications. The android have more than seventy thousand applications. Over one billion downloads have happened so far. Google has also participated in the android market by offering several applications for its services.
The popularity of Android operating system has skyrocketed in the past few years. Samsung galaxy tablet is also supported for application development. The discovery of Android operating system revolutionized the electronic world. With the highest popularity ever, iPad application development has taken the center stage. Android application development has opened up a new era of mobile phone applications for virtually any function that can be done for a personal computer. Google android is capable of handling hosted standalone applications.
About Software Associates:
The site provides comprehensive information about the products and services of Software Associates. Web development services, testing services, iPhone application development and Android tablet application development are provided.
For more information, visit: www.softwareassociates.in/iphone-and-android-application-development
Contact Details:
Zilla Bungalow Road
Kannur Road, Calicut
Kerala 673011
Phone: (347) 284-6436
Software Associates have impeccable records in building applications for iPad, Android and iPhone. They possess decades of experience in application development platform.