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ARRA Stimulus Boosts Growth for US Smart Grid Vendors
ARRA Stimulus Boosts Growth for US Smart Grid Vendors
The US Department of Energy (DoE) has released a list of smart grid stimulus grant awardees covering all major technology sectors related to the smart grid.
"ARRA Stimulus Boosts Growth for US Smart Grid Vendors "
The US Department of Energy (DoE) has released a list of smart grid stimulus grant awardees covering all major technology sectors related to the smart grid. On October 27, the Obama administration announced a grant of $3.4 billion for the single largest energy grid modernization program in the United States in recent history. This grant, a part of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act (ARRA), will be matched by industry funding of $4.7 billion to create a private –public investment of more than $8 m. The funding is in the form of 100 grants, ranging from $400,000 to $200 m, for private companies, utilities, cities and others to install smart-grid technologies. The awards are being funded through the $787 billion stimulus act.The grant is expected to create a large number of new jobs in line with the new investments expected in smart grid technologies.
The stimulus package provides grants for installation of more than 850 sensors, also known as Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) or Synchrophasors, to cover the entire grid. The PMUs are necessary to enable enhanced monitoring capability for intermittent electricity supply from incorporation of renewable energy resources. The installation of 200,000 smart transformers that has also been awarded by the stimulus grant will reduce the rate of transformer failures. Improvement in transmission and distribution infrastructure has been planned by providing grants to install about 700 automated substations. This will reduce the response time for utility companies during power failures
This analysis was taken from a research paper published by GlobalData, to download the full Research Paper for free, click below:
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