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X-Fat Announces Free P90X Coaching

Beachbody Coach Chelsea, a workout enthusiast and disciple of the P90x home exercise system, is taking on the challenge of aiding others in their efforts to get back in shape by offering free coaching with every P90x purchase through the website.
west palm beach, florida, United States of America ( 29/11/2010
Location—X-Fat's Chelsea is a Beachbody Coach with a passion for exercise and a mission to help fight the American obesity epidemic. More and more Americans are simply unable to find the necessary time to work out their own exercise plan. For this reason, Tony Horton and Beachbody have developed the P90x home exercise system.

Chelsea was one of many people who took on the P90x programme with some reluctance, but after following through with the 90-day program found herself fit as could be and getting no shortage of compliments from people around her. Another plus was the conversion from fast-food junkie to responsible, healthy eater, savvy to the fine print on nutrition labels.

Thrilled with her success and filled with the desire to share that success with others, the next most logical step for Chelsea was to become a Beachbody Coach and help other people achieve the same results. The importance of having a Coach to offer encouragement and advice in an exercise programme cannot be overstated.

As a veteran of the P90x programme, Chelsea is fully qualified to offer coaching services to purchasers of the P90x from X-Fat's website. ( The best part about this is that it is absolutely free.

In addition to the extra services offered for free, the P90x package comes with a 100% refund guarantee. In fact, Beachbody offers customers the choice of keeping a couple of the bonus workouts and the nutrition guide for free, even after a refund for the core package.




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P90x programme, P90x package, p90x