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A Hangover Cure for the Holidays

As the holiday season approaches and the number of parties and gatherings picks up pace, the one downside is the ever resent possibility of a hangover. While moderating your alcohol consumption is an option many people try, you may want to look  at this alternative stop hangovers in their tracks.
Laughlin, NV, United States of America ( 07/12/2010
A hangover is the consequence of excessive drinking that affects about 70% of all the people overindulging during the festive season. The symptoms of hangover vary from person to person and can be mild or acute, but they usually include headache, nausea, sensitivity to light and noise, dehydration and dizziness.

Some people are resistant to hangover symptoms, but for most, the morning after even modest drinking is pure agony. "Those who have never suffered from a hangover, I can tell you that mere words cannot begin to describe the feeling of a Monster Hangover. But for those who have even had a mild hangover, some of the following may ring true," says Dr. James M. Schaefer, Research Professor of Anthropology, Union College, Schenectady, NY.

"You wake up and immediately want to go back to sleep. You feel weak, queasy, nauseated or actually vomiting. Worse yet, the dry heaves, when there is nothing left. You may be hot, sweating and desperate to cool off. Your head is pounding. You are irritable and may have mild to uncontrolled shakiness. Any noise seems amplified way beyond your level of tolerance and light from any source hurts your eyes. The inside of your mouth probably tastes like, well, let's just call it unpleasant."

Dr Schaefer's description may sound comical, but severe symptoms of hangover can be exhausting and make the sufferer feel ill and impaired. Hangovers can also create mood disturbances including depression, anxiety and irritability.

A hangover can be avoided by paying attention to the quantity and quality of alcoholic drinks. Mixing different types of liquor, drinking too fast and drinking on an empty stomach leads quickly to intoxication. Dr Schaefer advises taking pills containing activated carbon, like HangoverStopper, to absorb the impurities in the alcohol and prevent hangovers from happening.

According to Matt Thompson, one of the customers, HangoverStopper works wonders. "If I drink a little I get horribly bad, sometimes debilitating headaches the next day. No amount of water, juice or rest seems to help, but this product does work. I haven't had a hangover since I began taking it," he says.

So next time you are out, think about easing up on the drink, not mixing drink types and consider taking the hangover pills suggested by Dr Schaefer. You can find out more about this hangover cure at their website -

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Steve Russel

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