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New STRO1 Antibody Announced by Novus Biologicals
New STRO1 Antibody Announced by Novus Biologicals
Novus Biologicals' new mouse IgM monoclonal STRO1 antibody (catalog number NBP1-48356) recognizes a cell surface antigen expressed by stromal cell precursors in human bone marrow and is novel due to its ability to bind to stromal cells in vitro.
United Kingdom
Cambridge, United Kingdom (17 December 2010) - Novus Biologicals’ new mouse IgM monoclonal STRO1 antibody (catalog number NBP1-48356) recognizes a cell surface antigen expressed by stromal cell precursors in human bone marrow and is novel due to its ability to bind to stromal cells in vitro. The STRO1 antibody cross-reacts with human and has been tested for use in flow cytometry, immunocytochemistry, immunofluorescence and Western blot analysis.
The STRO1 clone is nonreactive with blood mononuclear cells but binds to approximately 10% of bone marrow mononuclear cells. STRO1 can be used to isolate cells capable of long-term bone marrow cultures that retain the capacity to generate adherent layers. Novus' anti-STRO1 antibody is applicable for the generation of adherent stromal cell layers from both fresh bone marrow and from long-term bone marrow cultures and enrichment for fibroblast colony-forming cells.
This STRO1 antibody has been twice published by PJ Simmons and B Torok-Storb. One publication outlines how the STRO1 antibody allows for the recognition of stromal cell precursors in human bone marrow (PMID: 2070060) and the other utilized Novus' STRO1 antibody to identify CD34+ cells (PMID: 1720038).
For more information on this STRO1 antibody or to inquire about product collaborations, please contact the Novus Product Development Team by calling 303-730-1950 or via e-mail at
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Novus Biologicals is an international scientific company, helping to accelerate the advancement of scientific discoveries by developing and commercialising new products in scientific and biological fields. By promoting and commercialising unique biological materials and products to the biological research community, Novus plays an important part in helping to advance international biological research practices. Novus is also constantly monitoring emerging scientific trends and strives to supply products for their advancement.
Contact details:
Amy Chamberlain-Torres, MBA
Product Marketing Manager
Novus Biologicals Europe
12 Cambridge Science Park
Cambridge, CB4 0FQ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1223 426001
Fax: +44 (0)871 971 1635
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Fax: 303-730-1966