For some reason or other, you might feel dissatisfied with your present car insurance provider. Perhaps the premium is too high in relation to the coverage, or the policies are too difficult to understand and work with. Your complaints might be a little more nebulous, perhaps having to do with rude or otherwise inadequate customer service. It is true that even the best auto insurance companies in Las Vegas can sometimes give their clients some cause for complaint. Such complaints can usually be dealt with in some way, but once a company crosses the line, it is more than understandable for you to consider switching to another provider.
Then again, the decision to transfer to another insurance provider may not have anything to do with any inadequacies in your old or present provider. Perhaps you have found employment in a place that offers group insurance, which is cheaper than an insurance policy owned by an individual user.
Make sure that the documents state that it is you, not your old insurance provider, who decided to cut ties. If it looks like the insurance company decided to drop you, people (like your new insurer) might make the wrong assumption that this happened because you did not keep up with your payments. You will get a worse credit score than you actually deserve, which can spur your new provider to raise your premium. This is also why you should not simply “drop” your old company by halting your payments. The company will then list you down as a client who was unable to keep up with payments, and was therefore dropped. With this black mark under your name, you may have a difficult time getting a good insurance company to take you on.
Also, ensure that you have a new motor vehicle insurance provider and policy lined up—or even that you have already confirmed your new agreement—before you make the final steps to cut ties with your old insurance provider. Many companies will not allow you to cut ties with them until you can show solid proof that you have a new policy prepared.
Try to wait until the usual renewal time to cancel your old vehicle insurance policy. There will be less paperwork involved, and you will also not have to go through the hassle of getting a partial or total refund on your last month’s payment, as you will have completely “used up” that past month’s insurance policy. Then again, do not wait too late. If you choose to drop your old insurance plan a little after you have renewed it, the company might charge you another fee in order to take care of the added paperwork and bookkeeping.
Also, arrange to start up your new insurance policy as soon as possible after you cancel your old one. If you are organized and do not leave things to the last minute, you might be able to arrange for the new policy to come into action right after the old one is halted. If at all possible, try not to leave a long time-gap between insurance policies, in case you have a car accident.
Press release was created for use by Auto Insurance Of Las Vegas, for more information please call 702-291-7219 or visit our website at