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Premiere Tree Services of Birmingham Warns About Tree Diseases Native to Alabama
Premiere Tree Services of Birmingham Warns About Tree Diseases Native to Alabama
To avoid the death of these beautiful trees, you should always have a Birmingham tree service check your trees and their health to make sure there is no growth or beetles present.
United States of America
(Birmingham, AL) Something many Birmingham residents may not know is that there are certain tree diseases that are more prevalent in the state of Alabama than other areas of the United States. The humid weather of the South is to blame for making a good home for the diseases and beetles that are attracted to disease-ridden trees. That’s why checking the health of your Birmingham trees periodically is extremely important. In order to be able to notice which trees could be unhealthy, Birmingham residents first have to know what kind of trees are at risk.
In Alabama, some common trees you can find include Redbay, Sassafras, and Dogwood. These are the very trees that can become infected with horrible fungal diseases that may eventually kill them. A common fungal disease that affects Dogwood trees is Spot Anthracnose which is caused by a certain family of spores. They usually infect flowering trees after rain and high humidity. This is something to pay attention to, especially in the spring.
Laurel Wilt is a disease that infects Red Bay and Sassafras, and this year it has been in the news because small ambrosia beetles attacked many trees and carried this disease to them around the Gulf Coast region and Alabama. This beetle is native to Asian countries and has made its way over to the States. Another disease is the Annosus Root Rot that is caused by another family of spores, which is attacked by bark beetles.
To avoid the death of these beautiful trees, you should always have a Birmingham tree service check your trees and their health to make sure there is no growth or beetles present.
Also remember, when buying firewood this winter, buy locally so there is no risk of bringing in a disease.
For more information contact Premiere Tree Services of Birmingham at 1401 Doug Baker Blvd. Ste. #107-169 Birmingham, AL 3524, or call 205-598-2104, or visit