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A guide to root canal treatment the procedure and precautions

A root canal has two meanings. The first one is basically the space within the root of the tooth which holds the dental nerve as well as connective tissues called the dental pulp.
Chicago, IL, United States of America ( 31/01/2011
A root canal has two meanings. The first one is basically the space within the root of the tooth which holds the dental nerve as well as connective tissues called the dental pulp. The other one reflects the dental operation wherein the dental pulp is cleaned out and disinfected in order to prevent further infection on the entire tooth. Although these two terms are different, they involve one thing and that is the dental pulp.

How are Root Canals and Dental Health Related?

The tooth’s nerve is located in the dental pulp and this is vital to the overall health of the tooth. This nerve is important in providing sensations of hot and cold. But then, the absence or presence of the nerve will not affect the proper functioning of the tooth.

Since a nerve and the dental pulp are soft tissues, they easily break down and are affected by bacterial attacks especially during severe cavity formation and other factors that encourage bacteria to enter the pulp chamber. The bacteria begin to multiply inside the pulp chamber and can cause an infection called tooth abscess.
Pus fills the pocket of the chamber and spreads all the way down to the roots. For this reason, a patient experiences swelling on the face, neck and head and extreme pain is felt by the patient. Moreover, the tooth abscess also promotes bad breath to the patient in this situation patient should contact with Chicago dental implants. This is the reason that problems in the root canal should be avoided as much as possible.

What Causes the Dental Nerves and The Dental Pulp To Be Damaged?

There are a lot of causes for the dental nerves and the dental pulp to be damaged. These parts can be irritated and infected through a deep decay, chip on the tooth and severe trauma on the face. The thing here is that as long as there is an opening for the bacteria to reach the inside of the pulp chamber, tooth abscess can occur.

The Signs and root canal symptoms

Most of the time, a patient does not feel any warning signs that a root canal is necessary. But the tell-tale signs that root canal is really needed include: sever toothache when chewing or applying pressure on a particular tooth, extreme sensitivity to hot or cold temperature, darkening of the tooth and tenderness in the gums. Once these signs are felt, it is recommended to visit a family dentist chicago as soon as possible so that a root canal procedure can be initiated.

The Cost of A Root Canal Procedure

The cost usually varies on the severity of the problem and the type of tooth that is affected. For example, if the root canal procedure is done on a sever molar, then chances are that a patient will have to pay around $520 to $800 for the procedure. A root canal did on pre-molars cost less than if the procedure is done on the molars. On the other hand, if an best dentist chicago will be hired for the job, chances are that the fee will be higher than 50% because of the fact that they root canal specialists.

The Root Canal Procedures

A root canal procedure is very difficult and requires several visits to the root canal specialist. The dentist requires an X-ray of the affected tooth so that the damage can be assessed easily as well as the extent of the damage. Once everything has been assessed, anesthesia is applied on the affected portion and the dentist will drill a hole in the tooth. The root canal will then be cleaned out and water or sodium hypochlorite will be used to wash the debris.

The hole will not be filled yet and sometimes the dentist will apply medication on the affected part to clear it free from bacteria. Once the tooth is clear, the hole is filled with a sealer called glutta percha which is a sealer paste and rubber compound mixed together. A crown is also used to reinforce the sealing and restore the tooth to function properly. It is important to take note that once a person undergoes a root canal, a constant check up with the Chicago Periodontist is needed in order to ensure the overall health of the patient’s tooth.

Is a Root Canal Painful?

Since root canal involves a great deal of drilling holes into the affected tooth, this procedure is very painful even if an anesthesia has already been applied on the affected area. On the other hand, it is expected that a few days after the extraction, inflammation on the tissues surrounding the tooth will be felt. However, these can be controlled by taking pain relievers and most dentists offer those to their patients after the procedure. In any case, different patients have different tolerance for pain, so pain felt during root canal Chicago is basically relative.

Root Canal Alternatives

Root canals are cumbersome procedures and should only be considered as the last option if all other solutions to a tooth problem fail. Thus, the alternatives of root canals involve tooth extraction as well as implanting it with a new one. On the other hand, dentures can also be considered to restore the chewing functionality of the tooth. Unfortunately, these are the only painless alternatives to root canal procedures and all of these involve the patient losing a tooth or two.

How To Prevent Root Canal Infection

As mentioned earlier, root canals are probably the most painful procedure in Chicago dentistry. That said, preventing root canal infection is the best thing that a patient should do in order to maintain the integrity of the tooth. Following good oral hygiene such as brushing twice daily, flossing and visiting the dentist regularly can reduce the risk for the tooth to develop this infection. On the other hand, wearing mouth guards can also protect the integrity of the teeth especially for people like boxer’s wrestlers and car racers.

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