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Automobile Transporters Feel the Pinch as the Season Heats Up

The different challenges facing the auto transport industry.
Anchorage, AK, United States of America ( 27/04/2011
This has been a tumultuous period in the United States and one place where this is clearly realized is in automobile transport. The auto transportation industry and the men and women who operate the trucks that power the industry have been struggling on several fronts. The most obvious trouble they're facing is the soaring cost of diesel fuel. And with summer trips and travel on the way, it's almost a certainty that the price will stay over $4 a gallon. This is putting the biggest strain on truckers who maintain and operate their own trucks. Some are being forced out of the business because they're unable to afford the repairs necessary to keep their trucks on the road.

And it isn't hard to guess at the impact one of the harshest winters in recent history has had on the trade. The winter saw certain areas receiving unprecedented amounts of snow, which at worse caused route closures and at best created slower shipping times. Add this in with the restrictions placed on operators on how much they're allowed to work weekly and you have significantly reduced income over the winter. In order to combat this, some businesses have begun using free auto transport quotes as an attempt to attract new clients.

It would only be natural for the industry to hope to rebound as the winter gave way to spring but that hasn't been the case. There has been a rash of windstorms, tornadoes and other perilous weather which has caused serious delays and further damage to the industry. In just a three day span during this month alone there were over 240 twisters reported in 14 southern states.

It's true that these are challenging times for the auto and car transportation ( ) industry and things don't appear to be improving. The transportation industry is the backbone of the country and without proper support it may be in trouble. Make sure you are working with expert companies like Universal Auto Transport so that your shipping needs are met with the expertise that comes only with experience.

Jim Smith
8336 Loganberry Street
Anchorage, AK 99504
phone: 800-413-7584



It's true that these are challenging times for the auto and car transportation industry and things don't appear to be improving. The transportation industry is the backbone of the country and without proper support it may be in trouble. Make sure you are working with expert companies like Universal Auto Transport so that your shipping needs are met with the expertise that comes only with experience.


Jim Smith

8336 Loganberry Street
Zipcode : 99504