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Piracy Experts Tainting the Designer Handbag World
Piracy Experts Tainting the Designer Handbag World
All of us who work so hard at representing the real thing, but in the accessories market, particularly designer handbags purses and wallets are copied at a pace faster than light.
La Habra,
United States of America
All of us who work so hard at representing the real thing, but in the accessories market, particularly designer handbags purses and wallets are copied at a pace faster than light. Not only are these new designer handbags and other big ticket fashion items being copied they are actually trying to pass the high quality replicas as the real thing.
I suppose everyone can not afford the true designer handbags and accessories but will this monster known as piracy ever stop. Especially with the Chinese claiming the "AAA” thing and people here in North America trying to portray this stuff as authentic. Is it that the people are so desperate to sell these designer handbags they end up selling fakes? Or do they just not care. at least if you portray it as replica it might be fine? but still It does taint the market nevertheless.
So what is the root of the problem? Is it corrupt Chinese manufacturing companies producing these high quality designer handbag copies due to their lenient government tactics? .If a new brand or designer handbag is released by the designers it seems as though it is a rat race to produce the best replica.
The true fashion guru knows when they buy their designer handbag or purse to check the authenticity guarantee on the site they are shopping on. Nowadays, with this term authentic being thrown around so loosely it is no wonder most are skeptical of purchasing a designer handbag on the internet. Now we must steer clear of the terms like “high quality” or “full quality", why would one need to state that our beloved designer brands are high in quality when we already know this as enthusiasts.
It has been said that mimicry is the best form of flattery. But please let the monster stop. Will it ever? Will North American governments need to do something about this eventually, or can it even be stopped? Although the government in China has been doing annual checks for piracy in factories, the factories are prepared and hide their fakes when the inspection comes. With this extent of corruption the designer handbag world just continues to flood with the high quality fake designer handbags.
The world of designer handbags and big ticket fashion items are a dream of most women of today, so the ones who shop for authentic should deserve authentic. As a true advocate for internet shopping and my love for Designer handbags I am asking the uneducated purse purchasers to really search before committing to buy their designer handbag.
If you are looking for a great discount on actual authentic designer purses, you have come to the right place! We offer great discounts on Fendi Handbags & Purses Prada Handbags & Purses Marc Jacobs Handbags and purses!
Designerpurseshop.com, a division of Uboslav Marketing, Ltd., is dedicated to bringing our customers high-end, authentic designer handbags and wallets at discounted prices. We acquire all of our merchandise directly from reputable resellers in the US. We are a secure website to shop on thanks to MonsterCommerce SSL. We often update our stock and aim to keep you the customer happy!
Designer Purse Shop
1840 W. Whittier Blvd # 415
La Habra, CA 90631
TOLL FREE: 1(866)489-6608
Website : http://www.designerpurseshop.com/
Designerpurseshop.com, a division of Uboslav Marketing, Ltd., is dedicated to bringing our customers high-end, authentic designer handbags and wallets at discounted prices. We acquire all of our merchandise directly from reputable resellers in the US. We are a secure website to shop on thanks to MonsterCommerce SSL. We often update our stock and aim to keep you the customer happy!