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Celebrities And People Who Deal With A Mental Health Disorder
Celebrities And People Who Deal With A Mental Health Disorder
Many celebrities and every day people live with some kind of mental health disorder. Most of the time, these people do not know how to manage these destructive disorders.
The National Institute of Mental Health reports that approximately 1 in every 5 adults suffer with the anguish of a fear-related disorder. Even more sobering are the fact that:
· 18.8 million American adults will suffer from depression this year
· 2.3 million American adults will struggle with Bipolar Disorder this year
· 9.1
United States of America
Many celebrities and every day people live with some kind of mental health disorder. Most of the time, these people do not know how to manage these destructive disorders.
The National Institute of Mental Health reports that approximately 1 in every 5 adults suffer with the anguish of a fear-related disorder. Even more sobering are the fact that:
· 18.8 million American adults will suffer from depression this year
· 2.3 million American adults will struggle with Bipolar Disorder this year
· 9.1 million American adults have an anxiety disorder
· 2.4 million American adults will experience a panic disorder this year
· 3.3 million American adults will be treated for OCD this year
· 5.2 million American adults will experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder this year
These fear related disorders can ruin a person’s life if they do not seek the proper treatment. This is why Stan Popovich wrote the book, “A Layman’s Guide To Managing Fear”, which is located at Although not a substitute for the guidance of a professional, this book is geared for people who deal with fear, anxiety, depression, and other fear related disorders on a regular basis.
Make no mistake about it. These mental health disorders can take a vicious toll in a person’s life including the rich and powerful. Knowing how to get rid of these fear related disorders is the only way to get back on track in one’s life. Mr. Popovich has dealt with these mental health issues for more than 15 years and has interviewed many professionals in the counseling fields. It is important that the person who is struggling gets help. If they don’t get help, things will only get worse. For more information, read Stan’s free articles at his website.
Copies of 'A Layman's Guide To Managing Fear' can be obtained at Stanley Popovich is available for interviews and can be reached by email at, or at his alternate email address at
Stan Popovich is the author of "A Layman's Guide to Managing Fear Using Psychology, Christianity and Non Resistant Methods" - an easy to read book that presents a general overview of techniques that are effective in managing persistent fears and anxieties. For additional information go to: