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HerculesPoker Announces Launch of Affiliate Program
HerculesPoker Announces Launch of Affiliate Program
Los Angeles,
United States of America
Online casino rewards its customers and friends with a generous affiliate program.
ST. JULIANS, MALTA, July 18, 2011 -- HerculesPoker, an online casino and gaming destination, announces the launch of its affiliate program. This is one of the most generous affiliate programs available in the gaming world, with affiliates receiving 50% of the revenue share, an amount significantly higher than the industry norm. Additionally, there is also the possibility of earning a 5% sub-commission if the affiliate refers another person.
Opportunities for earning commission come in the form of banner ads, bonus codes, a downloadable game client and more. The program also offers mass email communication tools and the possibility of personalized marketing products to help aid promotional efforts. If a customer finds Hercules Poker through an affiliate but closes the browser without playing and returns to it later, the affiliate is still credited thanks to a cookie-storing tool that allows for more accurate tracking of commission.
If your affiliate efforts pay off and you earn more than $10,000 monthly in rake, there is even the opportunity to discuss becoming a licensee in the Hercules Poker software, allowing an affiliate to set up their own Hercules Poker card room.
Another easy way to make extra money involves HerculesPoker’s ‘Freeroll Jackpot’ promotion. This promotion makes it easy to recruit new players and affiliates can earn money, even with players who have never made a deposit. HerculesPoker’s freerolls start at $15, twice daily as it attempts to become the poker room with the highest number of freerolls on the Internet.
The affiliate program tends to be very popular with people in the 18-35 age range, though affiliates are by no means restricted to this age group. Affiliates earn up to US$57,800 and often work less than 30 hours a week.
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