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State-of-the-art Call Answering Service by messageMD
State-of-the-art Call Answering Service by messageMD
messageMD is an after hour call answering service featuring professional greetings, voicemail, message notification and text messaging. It was created to fill in the technology gap in the physician office market, by eliminating the traditionally live operator services to manage after hours call from patients and hospital staff. In fact, it creates a complete call management service, which also supports various smartphones such as iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone 7.
United States of America
messageMD is an after hour call answering service featuring professional greetings, voicemail, message notification and text messaging. It was created to fill in the technology gap in the physician office market, by eliminating the traditionally live operator services to manage after hours call from patients and hospital staff. In fact, it creates a complete call management service, which also supports various smartphones such as iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone 7.
Besides these, messageMD is also equipped with a team of top telecom software developers which allows them to continually invest in developing cutting-edge technology that improves the communication. Their call answering services also includes messaging service which guarantees the delivery of correct message to the correct doctor and on time. Additionally, they have their servers stored in a world class centre, ensuring that all systems are redundant with power and firewalls. Moreover, with their proprietary call management system they effectively manage on call schedules for doctors covering both patients and hospitals, which further led them to deliver effective and quality solutions.
Apart from all this, they are equipped with qualified staff and live operators who have the knowledge curve of physician office market and/ or are registered Nurse / Nurse Practitioner. They also maintain the records of every call for 7 years andprovide 100% HIPAA compliant secure digital after hours call answering solution. Some of the premium features of messageMD service include:
1. Risk free offer
2. Free 30 days trial
3. No set up fee
4. No cancellation fee
5. No long-term contract
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