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Retailer Finds That People’s Awareness Of Health And Wellbeing Varies Across The Country

The level of public awareness regarding what constitutes a healthy lifestyle differs across the country, reports the leading online retailer Viva Direct.
Groundwell, Wiltshire, UK, United Kingdom ( 08/08/2011

The level of public awareness regarding what constitutes a healthy lifestyle differs across the country, reports the leading online retailer Viva Direct (London, Viva Direct, 08/08/2011).

The retailer has experienced an overall increase in sales of exercise equipment, vitamins and supplements over the last five years.

However, they report that interest differs across the country. This corresponds with a recent study of five thousand people that discovered varying attitudes towards health, wellbeing and fitness throughout the UK.

On the whole, the report found East Anglia to be the healthiest region. Levels of exercise and knowledge of what constitutes a healthy diet were highest among this region’s population, with the percentage of people technically classed as overweight or obese running at 47%, compared to 52% in the North East.

Although they eat the most takeaways, Londoners claimed to exercise the most frequently, with three periods of prolonged exercise per week being the average.

The research also found that levels of alcohol consumption varied across the country, with levels of drinking at their highest in the North East and North West and at their lowest in London. Alcohol pushes nutrient-rich blood away from the heart, and heavy drinking can be a major contributor to heart disease.

Decreasing salt intake, exercising regularly and removing fat from the diet can all help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Stopping smoking can also have a major, positive impact on the likelihood of developing heart problems.

Over the last five years, Viva Direct has found that interest in supplements designed to help maintain heart health and maintain normal cholesterol levels has increased. The retailer suggests that recent years have seen people in the UK take far more interest in their health and fitness, and cite the increased popularity of home exercise DVDs and low fat food ranges as evidence.

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