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/ Explosion in Online Fraud Provokes Drastic Action Explosion in Online Fraud Provokes Drastic Action releases crucial information regarding increasingly shocking and clever online scam schemes. This guide helps consumers avoid becoming victims of such schemes. These drastic steps are fairly simple and require key changes in attitude.
United States of America
The more things change, the more they stay the same. This saying is very true for online fraud. Online fraud is really just an online and digital version of the same con jobs that have been used in the offline world for ages. The same basic formula for confidence tricks, pyramid schemes, ponzi schemes and multilevel marketing scams work for online fraud the same way they do offline. These scams all involve four basic steps. These steps are classic steps of making people part with their money., the internet's premiere source of software reviews and consumer guides, has released its guide to online fraud. This guide identifies key mechanisms in online fraud and helps readers avoid becoming victims by learning how these fraudulent schemes operate and adopting the right attitude and mindset. There are some drastic actions that are required to prevent victimization.
"Common sense is probably not considered drastic," said Oliver Thompson, media relations officer for According to Thompson, "However, common sense approaches can be quite drastic in light of the fact that as more and more people come to trust online communication methods, previously basic concepts like common sense become quite drastic if you act on them." The online fraud guide identifies four key elements to online fraud and helps people identify how they apply the three major forms of communication online: E-mail, instant messaging and social networks. Thompson said, "The real danger of online fraud schemes is that they automate offline confidence tricks. What used to take weeks or days in terms of building confidence to defraud victims now takes mere seconds." Scammers have become so proficient in automating the fraud process that generating lists of millions of potential victims can be done in a very short period of time. Similarly, the process of contacting and gaining the victim's confidence has been aided and abetted by sophisticated software that streamlines the process. "Even extracting money from the victims has become automated as well. Online fraud has really taken scams to the next level. It has made an almost one-click type of operation.", according to Thompson.
The online fraud guide located at helps users gain a firm understanding of how online scams work so they are mentally ready to take drastic action when they spot fraudulent communications. The drastic measures may seem like very commonsense measures, but more and more online users are ditching common sense. One key element is the willingness to say no. While that may seem basic and commonsensical, it is sadly surprising that many people avoid this basic suggestion. Visit online fraud guide to get the full list of drastic but commonsense steps you could take to avoid becoming a victim of an online scam.
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