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Small Office Supply, Furniture Dealer Masters Big Government with a GSA Schedule!
Los Angeles, 路易斯安那, United States of America ( 23/08/2011
Robert Haskell is a contributing author and manager of consumer affairs for GSA Schedule 75 - Office Supplies., a service of Haskell New York Inc., is now a fully compliant GSA (General Services Administration) website. Although only GSA approved customers can use this special part of the site, those that qualify can take advantage of Haskell's aggressive pricing on GSA, Ability One and Open Market items.

Unlike its competitors, Haskell New York Inc. painstakingly built its site and applied for GSA Schedule 75 certification in-house. The process to become GSA-certified can easily take a year or longer to be approved. Once certified, the challenge does not end as the government provides strict measures to ensure each company is fully compliant.

After gaining approval and publishing its products on the government website (, Haskell chose to directly sell its GSA catalog (schedule) on its own site. Qualified government agencies now have access to not only Haskell's GSA contract pricing but also Ability One substitutes that support disabled individuals who manufacture and benefit from the sale of these special items. also provides Open Market items to its government customers for fast/simple one-stop ordering. Eligible government agencies with GSA logins on see Open Market items in black, GSA contract items in red and Ability One items in blue. This convenient color-coding allows GSA approved agencies full access to Haskell's complete catalog, GSA contract pricing and an intuitive interface for ordering.

Although the process has been long and hard, Haskell New York Inc. elected to qualify for GSA certification without paying a third-party to manage its schedule. While this undoubtedly means significantly less start-up costs to publish its GSA Schedule 75 for Office Supplies, the savings comes at a cost. Even the simplest change to its schedule can often take weeks to be approved and Haskell continues to work hard to ensure its schedule items are fully compliant.

The list of requirements to maintain GSA Schedule 75 certification takes time to address and not all companies would benefit doing this in-house. All paper products must be at least 30 percent recycled, no medicine or food items and only products produced on the approved Country of Origin list can be sold.

Companies that choose to apply for and maintain their own GSA schedule must also learn to use special software to submit requests to make changes to their schedule and also to rebuild/upload their products to the government website. The whole process of maintaining a schedule can be an extremely time-consuming and frustrating process that some may find too awkward to deal with. Haskell's commitment to its schedule and improvement of its website ensures that government agencies can now take advantage of Haskell's more streamlined ordering capabilities without having to worry about GSA compliance or ordering delays/mistakes associated with recoding government website orders.

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Robert Haskell

1946 Ocean Ave 2nd floor, Brooklyn NY 11230
Zipcode : 90007