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Confessions of an iPhone 4 Lover …plus a checklist for Selling your iPhone

lot of us love our iPhones because of many things. If you ask iPhone lovers why they love their handsets, you will probably get a lot more than a dozen reasons. But not matter how crazy or out-of-this-world those reasons might get, one thing will always be true: they are all intoxicated with their love for their iPhones.
MI, Southfield, MI , United States of America ( 25/08/2011
I love the iPhone because…Hey, need I say more?

A lot of us love our iPhones because of many things. If you ask iPhone lovers why they love their handsets, you will probably get a lot more than a dozen reasons. But not matter how crazy or out-of-this-world those reasons might get, one thing will always be true: they are all intoxicated with their love for their iPhones.

Why, oh why - that may still be the question. But that question can probably be answered by a certain things like:

a. iPhone’s features
The sleek and bold design and features that iPhones possess are enough to make customers do devotional acts and build cult-like groups for the fun of it.
b. iPhone’s specs
As one of Apple’s core values, innovation plays a vital role in creating user satisfaction, from when the first iPhone was launched 2007 up until the present time.
c. That certain prestige that the iPhone brings
While the iPhone puts up a reasonable price for the things it can offer, the prestige it brings to its users is undeniable. A lot of Hollywood A-listers use the very same gadget for their personal use. Even Barack Obama has it.
d. The convenience

The overwhelming support and acceptance from the iPhone aficionados is enough to prove its incredible end-user experience.

These and much more can answer the ‘WHY question’ about the reasons why we love our iPhones so much. We cannot really express everything about our iPhones, which make our mobile world go round.
But of course, there comes a point that, while we adore this little piece of fantastic technology, we have to let it go. Sadly, we have to forget about the good times spent with it without forgetting that it served us well.

One reason we might need to let it go is it gets damaged in unforeseen circumstances.. Like if we broke our iPhones unintentionally, we may come to buy new ones.

Plus, we must accept the fact that our iPhones will lose its luster as technology finds better and better ways of creating new devices and gadgets. Newer picks will be available in a New-York minute and there is nothing to do with it but to move along with the waves of change.

Being able to strategize and make the most out of your ‘old’ device can be done painlessly through selling your iPhone. And with that, I’ll present to you a checklist for selling your iPhone online.
Selling your iPhone Checklist

1. Read a Little– Before selling your iPhone, read a little about your mobile device. Knowing the basic information will be sufficient for the selling process.

Simple knowledge about your gadget is important in selling your iPhone! Knowing your iPhone model and being able to observe if your phone’s battery is working fine is also important. Try to check on the screen if it has minor glitches so you can report about the little things.

Refresh your memory if your phone has encountered any mishaps. This information will also be useful in selling your iPhone.

2. Quoted Price – When selling your iPhone to refurbishment companies, you can expect to receive a quoted price for your iPhone.

When selling your iPhone to such companies, they will offer you a quote or a bid according to the state of your mobile device.

However, if selling your iPhone is your only choice to get money, you must not expect too much for it. Remember that your gadget has been used and even if it is in mint condition, prices will only range from up to 75% of its original price.

3. Safety First – Make a backup of your personal files from your device before you start selling your iPhone. Afterwards, restore it to its original settings. You should know that your privacy is protected because the phone contains a lot about yourself and your personal details. Making sure that your mobile buddy is data-free is a smart move when selling your iPhone.

4. Stress-Free Method - The ultimate way of selling your iPhone is online. Selling your iPhone over the internet will give you a rewarding experience because of speed and accuracy.

Get your payment for about 75% of the original price through the method of your choice, which is typically PayPal and mailed check. If you want to try selling your iPhone online, check out these steps for an easier and better selling and upgrading experience! Go and bring home that iPhone 5 today!





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Zipcode : 48034

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Sell iPhone, Sell your iPhone