Newsroom / Computer / Software / Prevents People from Burning Themselves on Facebook Prevents People from Burning Themselves on Facebook

People share all sorts of sensitive information on Facebook, information that could harm them either immediately or in the future. has released a sensible, practical and effective guide in helping people prevent harmful disclosures on Facebook.
Bellevue, CA, United States of America ( 09/09/2011
(Bellevue, CA, 09/07/11) - Facebook is a very powerful tool. It helps friends share information, it helps people network, and it creates a genuine sense of community and bonding. However powerful this tool is, it can also be used in wrong ways. Just the same way a car is a very powerful tool for transportation, if you are drunk and you drive, the car becomes a very potent killing tool. It is the same with Facebook. It is great at getting the word out. However, if it is harmful information for yourself and for others, then it is very powerful in that respect as well., the internet's leading authority site for consumer guides on technology and consumer issues, has released a competent Facebook Privacy Guide with things not to disclose and other sensitive information. The guide is located at

How much information to share

"It's amazing to think about how many jobs have been lost by people posting inappropriate materials on their Facebook walls," said Oliver Thompson, media relations officer at From unflattering company disclosures, company secrets, bragging about criminal acts, marital infidelity, substance abuse and general reckless behavior, Facebook walls have seen it all. There have been many documented cases of people posting sensitive information on their Facebook wall and that information led to their criminal prosecution, break up of relationships, lack of employment, or trouble with the government.

Protecting your privacy

Facebook is really like an unloaded gun. Thompson is quoted as saying that if you are very careless with the information that you load into this gun, you could be very well shooting yourself in the head, by accident no less, but you are still dead.

How does this happen? Facebook could be very huge and could be very small and intimate all at the same time. It is a huge network of inter-linked personal accounts. It is possible to reach a wide range of people through the viral spread of information through Facebook. Facebook is also an intimate circle of Friends where people post information meant for only their close circle of friends. The danger lurks in this latter aspect of intimate nature of Facebook because people feel comfortable sharing information with their friends that they would tend to divulge information they would not normally do in public, thinking that their Facebook wall is a private space. "Nothing could be further from the truth. Whatever you post in your wall, given the right circumstances, could leak out," said Thompson. Indeed because of sloppy "friending practices" people add individuals in their friend's roster and are not really friends, people that would not really keep their confidence and this is where the trouble begins.

Thompson said, "Our guide steps you through the different scenarios where you can harm yourself through Facebook, but we also steps you through different preventive measures and also tips on how to detect possible security issues. We try to inculcate useful and helpful habits that would keep people from getting into trouble."


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