Newsroom / Society / Society / Dr. Jane Simington Winner of Global Television’s Woman of Vision appeared on Open to Hope Radio

Dr. Jane Simington Winner of Global Television’s Woman of Vision appeared on Open to Hope RadioFeatured PR

Dr. Jane Simington was interviewed by “Open to Hope Radio” Hosts, Dr. Gloria Horsley and Dr. Heidi Horsley on September 8th, 2011, sponsored by the Open to Hope Foundation
New York, NY, United States of America ( 23/09/2011
Dr. Jane Simington, Ph. D., is a grief and trauma therapist, educator and author. Her work blends knowledge with personal experiences of her child’s death. Her books, Journey to the Sacred: Mending a Fractured Soul, and Setting the Captive Free and videos, Listening to Soul Pain and Healing Soul Pain, address the deeper pain that often accompanies grief. Dr. Simington was awarded Global Television’s Woman of Vision, March 2011.

Open to Hope Radio broadcasts every Thursday. To listen to this show, go to archived shows.

About Dr. Heidi Horsley

Dr. Heidi Horsley, PsyD, LMSW, MS, is a bereaved sibling and a licensed psychologist and social worker. Dr. Heidi is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Open to Hope Foundation and an adjunct professor at Columbia University. She has a private practice in Manhattan, NY specializing in grief and loss. She serves as a member of the board for the Compassionate Friends, and on the advisory board for TAPS, Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors of those who died in the military. She is also author of “Open to Hope: Inspirational Stories of Healing After Loss,” “Teen Grief Relief” and “Real Men Do Cry”. She holds graduate degrees from the University of San Francisco, Columbia University, and Loyola University.

About Dr. Gloria Horsley

Dr. Gloria C. Horsley, PHD, MFT, CNS, is a bereaved parent, and has worked in the field of family therapy for over twenty years. Dr. Gloria is Founder and President of the Open to Hope Foundation. She served The Compassionate Friends as a Board Member. She is co-author of “Open to Hope: Inspirational Stories of Healing After Loss,” “Teen Grief Relief” and “Real Men Do Cry.” She holds graduate degrees from the University of Rochester, Syracuse, Greenwich and Holos Universities.

Dr. Heidi Horsley
125 West 72nd Street, Suite 6F
NY NY 10023
(646) 269-1664



Dr. Heidi Horsley, PsyD, LMSW, MS, is a bereaved sibling and a licensed psychologist and social worker. Dr. Heidi is the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Open to Hope Foundation ( and an adjunct professor at Columbia University. She has a private practice in Manhattan, NY specializing in grief and loss. She is also author of “Teen Grief Relief” and “Real Men Do Cry”. She holds graduate degrees from the University of San Francisco, Columbia University, and Loyola


Heidi Horsley

Dr. Heidi Horsley 37 West 72nd Street, Suite 1E
Zipcode : 10023