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If you notice your computer slowing down and the start up takes a little bit longer, you might have been tempted to look under the hood of your operating system and mess around with the registry settings.’s registry repair software guide keeps PC owners from causing serious harm to their computer systems.
Bellevue, CA, United States of America ( 01/10/2011
(Bellevue, CA, 09/30/11) When you first bought your computer, it was probably very fast. You must have been happy about how quickly it opened files and how smoothly applications ran. But as you continue to use your computer and as you create more files and install and uninstall more programs, you, like any other PC owners, probably realized that your computer started getting more and more sluggish. In fact some of you may have thought that the system has slowed down so much, tempting you to play around with the system files or the registry files of your computer. This is a serious mistake. If you change key elements of your system’s registry, you risk causing serious harm to your system. You might not be able to reverse it, depending on how your PC is set up. If you have been trying to get an easier solution for obsolete files, bloated software and all sorts of unneeded software on your computer, invest in a registry repair software.

However, not all software titles under this category carry the same features., the internet’s main authority on software consumer reference guides has released a guide to registry repair software located at This guide will help consumers choose the right registry repair software for their particular needs.

"Just as you would not want to give yourself a root canal or have an operation or surgery on yourself, you should not play around with your system's registry. If you mess with the wrong parts or you change something that you should not, you might disable your application or worst, a whole cluster of applications", said Oliver Thompson, media relations officer for The stakes are high when it comes to self help in regards to systems files and registry repair. There are softwares available that would help you do this in a very easy manner. "Unlike many consumer guides regarding this type of software, we organized the guide according to component categories so that consumers can easily see which particular group of functionality they are most interested in and they could then match it with their particular needs. Hopefully when they see the feature set that fully reflects their current situation, it can then try to help them get that specific software", said Thompson. Unlike other software consumer guides, does not shove a readymade solution down consumers’ throats. They always structure their consumer guides based on the needs of the consumer instead of the hype offered by the software publishers.


eReviewGuide ( is a highly respectable source of software reviews, guides, tips, resources and information online today. eReviewGuide also offers industry news and community forums apart from online reviews. This consumer guide aims to provide assistance to customers and users looking for software or online services, so they can make smart choices, whether in the matter of pre-sale or making actual purchases. Those who are planning to download a registry repair software like Lavasoft Registry Tuner by Lavasoft Ltd may take a closer look at the review guide and consumer tips on the site. Now, buyers can easily check which products are best suited for their personal or individual needs, just by checking out reviews and information published on

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