Newsroom / Computer / Software / Teaches You How to Deal With Haters Teaches You How to Deal With Haters

Haters have taken over the social internet. With the rise of WEB 2.0, negative people can easily spoil the fun of community interaction. has released a guide to this type of internet personality and how internet users and what kind of mind sets internet users can assume to deal with them effectively.
Bellevue, CA, United States of America ( 26/11/2011
(Bellevue CA, 11/25/11) - Haters gonna hate. You probably heard of that phrase many times, whether you are a fan of 4chan or follow many twitter feeds. Haters gonna hate is a very common internet saying or meme. It has changed meaning from making fun of overly envious people to dealing with the rise of very, very negative people. Make no mistakes about it. Haters can inflict a lot of damage on internet-based social interaction. They can kill forums with their negativity and they could make social networks very unwelcome, unforgiving and judgmental places.

Dealing with haters online, the internet's leading authority on consumer and technology issues has released a guide on how to spot and deal with haters online. The guide is located at "Haters can definitely spoil your day," said Oliver Thompson, media relations officer for Just like rotten apples in a basket, too many haters can easily turn a social network or a community into a very hostile place very quickly. They are not going anywhere anytime soon. Haters are here to stay.

Having the proper mindset

There are many aspects of social interaction online that tends to foster hater personalities. The internet is anonymous. It also allows for quick takes and quick interaction that does not truly involve long-term online relationships. These factors are fertile ground for cultivating hater personalities.

According to Thompson, "'s guide to haters steps you through the dangers haters pose to online communities and equips you with the proper mindset and analysis to deal with haters online. Do not become a target."

The guide is realistic, direct to the point and addresses a core fixture for online interaction that will not be disappearing soon—haters.


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