Newsroom / Technology / Internet / Teaches Bloggers How to Reverse Engineer Their Competition Teaches Bloggers How to Reverse Engineer Their Competition

If you are a blogger and you find yourself in a competitive tight spot, cheer up. A lot of the heavy lifting and initial heavy research has already been done by no other than your competitors. You only need to have the right mind set, the right strategy and of course the right tools to be able to reverse engineer them and profit from their hard work. has released a guide showing you how to do exactly that.
Bellevue, CA, United States of America ( 02/01/2012
(Bellevue CA, 01/02/12) - Blogging for money, fame or attention has become quite competitive as the years go by. Each passing year has witnessed millions of new blogs coming online, each blog competing for precious search engine traffic, Facebook likes and our attention in general. How do you stand out from the crowd? How do you beat back your competitors? How do you get noticed? These are key questions that any serious blogger has considered at least once in their blogging career.

Reverse engineer your competitors, the internet's leading authority on consumer and technology issues and reviews, has released a guide that helps bloggers reverse engineer their competitors. The guide is located at "Given the transparent nature of the internet, a lot of your competitor's "secret sauce" can be seen. It does not take much effort or resources to take a peek under their hoods to see what drives them," said Oliver Thompson, media relations officer for

Deliver where they fail's guide to reverse engineer your competition steps would-be bloggers through four key elements in their reverse engineering process--finding competitors, finding gray areas their competitors have missed and finding soft spots in their competitor's strategies and also qualitative tips on how to deliver where the competition has failed.

"The fourth element cannot be emphasized enough. It is not enough to find out the key words or areas that your competition is targeting or not targeting. It is not enough to find "sweet spot" key words that may yield the money or exposure that your competitors have left on the table. You have to, at the end of the day, still deliver where they fail and that is the trick," said Thompson. devotes a lot of attention to these four key areas but puts a special focus on the fourth item because that truly is the meat the reverse engineering process. It is not enough to just merely exploit the competition's weak spots. You have to have the proper information with which to exploit those weak spots.'s guide gives would-be bloggers the process they can use to get the information that they need to make the right decisions that would boost their blogging success.


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Oliver Thompson

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