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Get to the Database Data using DbSchema Relational Data Browse
Get to the Database Data using DbSchema Relational Data Browse
Databases are widely used to support different kind of applications, from large to small, recently even in different Android applications. In most of the cases the SQL language is used to access and modify the database data. This can be sometimes complicated and would require deep technical knowledge. Using DbSchema Relational Data Browse the same can be done in an intuitive and simple way, fast, by anyone.
Amsterdam Metropolitan Area,
DbSchema is a universal database tool. It can work with all relational databases (MySql, SqlServer, Oracle, Postgresql, Db2, Informix, Sqlite, Derby, Sybase, etc.) and on all operating systems. From the most important features we can enumerate:
- diagrammed layouts for interacting and documenting the database schema
- SQL Editor for editing and executing SQL queries and scripts
- Query Builder for building complex queries using the mouse
- Relational Data Browse for exploring the database data
- Schema compare and synchronization, migration of the schema over development and productive databases
- HTML5 documentation including the layout image
- High quality diagram print-outs
Using Relational Data Browse is possible to explore data from multiple database tables. The editor can be started directly from schema diagrams. Here the data from one table can be explored just with a click. Filters can be set, sort criteria, etc. Than the data explorer can descend into child tables, based on foreign keys.
The great advantage is the intuitive way to explore the schema and get to the data. There is no need to know ahead the structure of the schema as the data browse is flexible and allows a dynamic explore of the tables.
The Data Browse does emphases the relationality between tables, so looking for the data the user will navigate from table to table as the real business model is. This is a kind of ´Clean code´ of databases. The Clean Code principle says that the quality of the code is directly related to the easiness to read and understand the code. Similar, for databases the quality of the database schema is directly related with the easiness to understand the schema. Indirect we can say this is related with the easiness to explore the data from database.
In this context the Relational Data Browse is an outstanding tool; there is no great SQL knowledge required in order to get in a direct contact with the schema model. Writing SQL queries is not a simple job and very often it requires good skills in this language. And even for those who have these skills, Relational Data Browse will offer the chance to focus on the schema architecture instead of language details.
We had the experience of Rui Martins, Java consultant and expert in large databases for communication companies. Using Relational Data Browse he could involve himself very fast and efficient in large projects with more than one thousand tables. He could move very fast through the schema and understand how the data were arranged and from here on to look directly in the code to find the problem he was looking for.
Few Universities around the world have adopted DbSchema as a tool for learning and working with databases. Especially the Relational Database Browse have facilitated the learning the SQL language, so understanding the Relational Database Browse was easier to understand the SQL language.
To understand how the Relational Data Browse works you can read the DbSchema Quick Tour and watch the video tutorials at the website The purchasing price is $127.
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