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A Cheaper Way To Publish And Manage Job Ads
A Cheaper Way To Publish And Manage Job Ads
Job Advertisers want better ways to find and manage job candidates and they want to save money on job advertising. But with job advertising dominated by just a few big players, job advertising has become very expensive. While there are free job sites and many social sites job advertisers can use, these sites lack the ability to professionally collect and manage job applicants.
United States of America
Job Advertisers want better ways to find and manage job candidates and they want to save money on job advertising. But with job advertising dominated by just a few big players, job advertising has become very expensive. While there are free job sites and many social sites job advertisers can use, these sites lack the ability to professionally collect and manage job applicants. lets employers expand the places they can advertise while still retaining centralized control and management of the applications they receive.
Job Advertisers use to create a special reply link for each job they advertise. When job seekers click on that reply link it takes them through a online application form which can be customised for each job. This means employers can post their job ad anywhere, newspapers, free or paid job sites and even social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and still professionally collect and manage the applications they receive in one convenient location. They can then quickly review, manage and select the best applicants for each job.
As an example post a video ad on YouTube for free and tell everyone about your company and the type of people you are looking for. Include a JobReply link in the description for the video so that job applicants can apply online. You can then login to JobReply and quickly review and compare applicants using JobReply's beautiful onscreen reports. has 5 big benefits for job advertisers
1) JobReply reduces advertising costs. Now employers can advertise their jobs anywhere including free sites and social media sites that don't have an easy or professional way to collect job applications. Just include a JobReply link when you post your job description and we'll safely collect and manage the job applications for you.
2) JobReply helps protect you from online scams and spyware. Use a JobReply link instead of an email address to collect resumes and job applications and you won't have to deal with time consuming and often dangerous email issues. The FBI recently reported one job advertiser lost over $100,000 from cyber criminals that were targeting job ads with infected email attachments.
3) JobReply helps you get the right information about each applicant. Each JobReply link takes applicants to an online standardized application form. This makes it easier to review and compare each applicant. You can also customise the question format for each job so you get the information you want, not just the information applicants want to tell you.
4) JobReply controls all your job ads from one convenient location. Every free or paid job site has a different way of accepting and collecting job applications. But dealing with different sites means you'll be getting applications in different formats which makes easy comparison almost impossible. And of course some sites have no application processing at all. Include a JobReply link in any job ad and JobReply will collect and manage all your applicants in one convenient location.
5) JobReply lets you communicate with applicants safely and securely. JobReply also includes its own messaging system so you don't have to use your own email address. This helps reduce issues with spam, spyware and emailed attachments. JobReply will also help you track each conversation.
Special Offer.
Signup with JobReply today and receive a $250 link credit. This will let you create up to 7 reply links you can use in any job ad. So if you're adverting in a newspaper or website and want an easy and professional way to collect and manage your job applicants in one convenient location, then sign up here.
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