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Get Split faced and bring back a smile to hundreds of less fortunate children
Get Split faced and bring back a smile to hundreds of less fortunate children
It pays to let your friends have a few laughs at your expense. That is what intends to help you achieve with a much bigger motive to help less fortunate children with facial defects undergo reconstructive surgery.
United States of America
Making money has the potential to bring a smile not only to your face but can also make a difference to the lives of hundreds of children with facial defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate. While Operation Smile, an international children's medical charity, mobilizes a force of medical professionals to conduct reconstructive surgery for children born with facial defects, Dave Drew of recently introduced a novel way to help people garner support for this cause through their Facebook accounts and by becoming an affiliate.
All it takes is $10 to make a big difference to the lives of many of these children. Upload a photo to and the website's creative graphics team will get you split faced so that you can share a few laughs with your Facebook friends. However, according to Dave Drew of, the main objective behind the site is to generate funds for organizations like Operation Smile and give less fortunate kids with facial defects the opportunity to smile and enjoy life more. When asked about how the website plans to go about the entire operation Mr. Drew said, "For a charitable organization like Operation Smile, who depend heavily on donations, it isn't viable to spend a colossal amount on advertising. Moreover, there are so many people who would love to donate but don't have the capacity to do so in large sums. Through, all you need to invest is $10. Half goes to organizations like Operation Smile while 25 percent goes towards paying affiliates and the balance is used to create jobs for numerous graphic designers that are the backbone of All you do is upload your split faced images to Facebook and spread the word."
Everyone can do with a little bit of extra money and Splitfaced offers a great opportunity to render a great service to less fortunate kids in need of reconstructive surgery and make a few dollars as an affiliate as well. Statistics indicate that a child is born with a cleft every three minutes, with many parents unable to afford surgery to help their kids lead a normal life. With just about everyone on social networking sites like Facebook, this is an ideal opportunity to reach out to these children and help organizations like Operation Smile achieve its goal. Dave Drew adds, "The entire process of becoming a affiliate takes less than a few minutes and you can pass on the news to your friends instantly, and tomorrow, your efforts could bring a smile to a less fortunate child anywhere around the globe. The more people you reach out to, the more you receive as an affiliate, and most importantly, so many precious little lives in turn benefit. Our goal is to reach out to at least half of the 800 million Facebook users, which in turn can benefit so many people." For more information on becoming an affiliate and how to go about making a difference, log on to
About The website offers a financially motivating opportunity to everyone through an affiliate program for a small investment of $10. The major objective of the program is to help less fortunate children undergo effective reconstructive surgery for facial defects.