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Center for Foreign Languages established at SMS
Center for Foreign Languages established at SMS 
With the growing involvement in international business and the increasingly multinational global marketplace, the importance of foreign languages in nearly every kind of occupation is evident.
uttar pradesh,
With the growing involvement in international business and the increasingly multinational global marketplace, the importance of foreign languages in nearly every kind of occupation is evident.
The typical profile expected from future business leaders fully reflects the demands of the globalised world. Thus in an increasingly connected world, foreign language proficiency is more important than ever.
Besides, learning another language has many cognitive, academic, and social benefits. Also an understanding of another language often indicates an understanding of another culture and can offer everyday social advantages. In a world where innovations like the Internet have brought the furthest ends of the earth into close contact and where people find themselves moving across the globe due to myriad motivations, speaking a second language is useful in myriads of situations.
SMS are determined to equip our future managers to take on every possible challenge. Centre for foreign languages has been especially set up keeping in mind the benefits from the opportunities it creates. Through this endeavor, the students are being exposed to the foreign languages and the culture as well.
The courses are designed to enhance the basic skills in reading, writing and speaking foreign languages with a friendly hand towards an almost effortless Journey towards success.
in one of the oldest cities of the world, the epicenter of the buddhist philosophy, Sarnath and the cultural and spiritual capital of India is approved by AICTE Ministry of HRD, New Delhi. It is providing quality Management and Computer education of par excellence since 1995 and ranked as top A+ category Business School consecutively since 2001 by Business India Magazine. SMS offers PGDM, PGDM-International Business, PGDM-Insurance & Risk Management, PGDM-Retail Management and MCA Programs.