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/ Announces Premium Social Media Brand Marketing and On Going Brand Protection Announces Premium Social Media Brand Marketing and On Going Brand Protection is offering the web businesses with free username search for creating business profile in social media sites, username creation in social networking sites and brand protection services at affordable pricing
United States of America
The web businesses planning to create prospective and secured business profiles on social media sites seem to have the ideal assistance - has announced to provide prospective brand marketing services over the top notch social networking sites coupled with on-going brand protection assistance.
" is your absolute solution for researching, securing & protecting business name, service, product & other different key promotional phrases", the company spokesperson said, "We assure a credible assistance in brand marketing and hence scan over 550 social networking sites to find name availability & then even help you in securing your brand identity effectively so that you can enjoy a hassle free flourish over the top notch social media sites". is providing the online business houses with 3 types of services. The company declared of free of cost username search for creating business profile in social media sites, username creation in social networking sites and different affordable packages for brand protection services.
The team of professionals informs the clients on the most prospective social media sites that would be perfectly relevant to the client's particular business requirements through advanced Internet activity statistical data technology. "We make sure to update our site database constantly to provide our clients with the latest information on the social networking sites", the spokesperson added. works with experts specialized in brand protection over the social networking sites. The brands guard specialists from the company would assist the clients in designing their social media brand campaigns. "We will support you with secured email accounts for registering your brand on the social networking portals and we follow an extensive testing & verification on all the registered accounts & pages", commented the spokesperson, adding that they are very serious about the IPR of the clients.
To know more about the brand marketing and protection services from Claim Brand and its packages, visit its official site