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The Last Well Educates Readers On The Water Crisis In LiberiaFeatured PR

The Last Well, a charity that aims to provide safe drinking water to communities in Africa, released a blog explaining the water crisis in Liberia.
Rockwall, Texas, United States ( 20/02/2019
The Last Well, a charity that aims to provide safe drinking water to communities in Africa, released a blog explaining the water crisis in Liberia. The country is severely lacking in clean drinking water, and The Last Well has set an ambitious goal to give people access to this vital resource.

In 2003, Liberia ended a 14-year civil war that destroyed the country's infrastructure and resulted in 250,000 deaths. The country is consistently ranked as one of the five poorest in the world. Now, only 1 in 4 Liberians have access to clean drinking water, with as many as 1 in 5 deaths blamed on problems related to dirty and contaminated water. As a result, the vast majority of the population has been impacted by water scarcity. The lack of clean water in the country represents a humanitarian crisis that affects much more than health in the country.

A lack of clean drinking water can impact a community's safety, education, finances, and health. Women and children often walk for miles to access clean water for their families, making them vulnerable to roadside dangers. The time spent retrieving water can prevent children from going to school, and contaminated water can cause sick children to miss valuable days in the classroom. Lack of clean water becomes a lack of access to education, and as they grow, children are forced to accept lower-paying jobs due to their limited education. Finally, the illnesses that prevent children from attending school can cause more serious health issues, including death.

Contact The Last Well for more information about the Liberian water crisis and to donate to the cause. The Last Well follows a faith-based mission to provide people across the world, particularly in Liberia, with clean drinking water. It has set the ambitious goal of building projects that provide safe drinking water to the entire country of Liberia by 2020, with 900,000 people in 4,000 communities to be reached in order to meet that goal. The Last Well can be contacted online at or by phone at 972-544-5846, and is headquartered at 2255 Ridge Road, Suite 206A, Rockwall, TX 75087.


About The Last Well

At the last well, our goal is to eliminate water scarcity in Liberia in Jesus’ name. We also know that by helping our neighbors across the globe get access to safe-drinking water and the gospel, we are providing an opportunity for Christ-followers to be agents of change for those in the world with the greatest need.


Ryan Tew
The Last Well
2255 Ridge Road, Suite 206A
Zipcode : 75087

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The Last Well, the water crisis in Liberia