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Put a wholesome, fresh taste into your carbonated water with Aromhuset's Pomegranate
Put a wholesome, fresh taste into your carbonated water with Aromhuset's Pomegranate 
Pomegranate is one of around 20 flavours for carbonated water from Aromhuset. The taste both fresh and exhilarating compared to traditional flavours.
"All Aromhuset's flavours can be mixed together, and contain neither chemical sweeteners nor sugar, so if you are used to searching high and low for natural products these essences can be used with a clear conscience. There "
Pomegranate is a fruit that grows primarily around the Mediterranean, but has caught the attention of the rest of the world since research revealed the delectable fruit's amazing health benefits. The taste of Pomegranate is fresh and tart, with a very weak bitter undertone, and makes a very good flavouring for water at the dining table. Gert Strand, the man behind all Aromhuset's flavours, says that he would not be surprised if Pomegranate became a favourite amongst adults.
Product picture at: http://allfreightfree.com/images/large/73354PomegranateEn30ml_LRG.jpg
For us Swedes the taste of Pomegranate is perhaps not as culturally ingrained as, for example, blueberry, strawberry or raspberry, and perhaps does not feel quite right. Aromhuset has around 20 flavours, many more traditionally Swedish, that can be used as flavour enhancers in delicacies or cooking, but Pomegranate itself is a versatile flavour. Try a few drops in hot water as a fruit tea, or why not use its acidic qualities to liven up stews?
All Aromhuset's flavours can be mixed together, and contain neither chemical sweeteners nor sugar, so if you are used to searching high and low for natural products these essences can be used with a clear conscience. There are even flavours specifically aimed at children, such as Toffee, Banana and Strawberry.
Thomas Ström, salesman for Aromhuset's products, says that the company is on the lookout for new importers. He points out that the time is right for this concept, and that there is no serious competition. These essences are superior to any similar product in terms of taste, and on top of that are free from sugar and chemical additives. In other words, you can flavour your carbonated water with an abundance of tastes and taste combinations, with precisely as much or as little flavour as you want, without worrying about either your figure or the children's teeth.
We need to drink a lot of water every day if our bodies are to function well. A lot of people swap plain water, which might be seen as boring when drunk continually, for various sugary drinks. Those with a greater awareness of sugar's bad effects on our bodies choose carbonated water, with or without flavour. Yet the selection of flavoured carbonated water on the market is extremely limited, and the tastes themselves are often weak. Being able to flavour your own carbonated water is therefore a plus for both your wallet and your health. To be truly environmentally friendly you can even carbonate the water yourself at home, but the essences work equally well whether the water is carbonated at home or in the factory.
All the essences can be purchased at http://allfreightfree.com/en/sparkling-water-flavor-34
For more information visit: http://aromhuset.org