Popular Press Releases

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    A challenge to lose one’s weight

    USA, Sept 28, 2011 – All of us like to remain trim and slim all our lives, even after children have come our way and life has approached its season of summer. Anyway, one need not worry even if he weighed a tad heavier than fashionable as there are many fitness and health clubs that enable one to lose weight quickly.

    By : | 09-30-2011 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 550

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    Blue Sky Prepaid MasterCard Takes Flight at 2011 Prepaid365 Card Awards

    Wins Runner Up Award for Best Newcomer

    By : | 08-20-2011 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 550

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    Same day loans for people on benefits: Avail Credit without Any Tension

    Same day loans for people on benefits are forms of credit that can be availed within little hours of the similar day. They are contracted by the online way also this way helps to save lots of time of the applicant.

    By : | 08-17-2011 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 550

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    Get a Professional Contractor with HomeFellas

    HomeFellas.com is delivering an excellent service directory for all your home improvement projects along with the best listing. They also provide reviews about the home improvement remodeling contractors & service pro.

    By : | 08-11-2011 | Home and Family:Home and Family | Total Views : 550

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    Start a Fresh Journey with New Year 2012: 123NEWYEARS offers Cards, Calendars and Horoscopes

    New Year celebrations are traditionally most common and popular in every part of the world, and are made with great optimism, zeal, festivity, joy, and the spirit of success and happiness to all.

    By : | 08-05-2011 | Home and Family:Home and Family | Total Views : 550

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    Be Careful With Your Online Business Accounts In The Cloud

    ECommerce has gained a strong foothold in the business industry, and with it are risks of being hacked by cyber criminals. Consider the importance of securing business data and accounts.

    By : | 07-21-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 550

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    Environmental Health Trust Cites Conflict of Interest Surrounding New Published Study

    Beware what you read warns the Environmental Health Trust. A purportedly independent report rushed into print in the Environmental Health Perspectives Journal advises that cell phones do not increase the risk of BRAIN cancer, is rife with conflicts of interest.

    By : | 07-08-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 550

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    Out-Perform the Competition and Stand Out from the Crowd: Balance Expectations, Says Author

    Expectations are what we think will happen. Reality is what actually happens. There's a big discrepancy between the two because we usually expect too MUCH or too LITTLE. Either one causes big-time problems. And that's why we must be reasonable, fair, and balanced when setting expectations, says author Connie Podesta in "10 Ways to Stand Out from the Crowd".

    By : | 06-24-2011 | Business:Advertising Or Marketing | Total Views : 550

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    Need Drivers Ed? Do BMV Indiana Defensive Driving School Course Online

    This Indiana driver improvement course is online and accessible from any computer with a basic internet connection. This allows you to work on dismissing points from your driving record from anywhere you want and anytime it’s convenient for you.

    By : | 06-01-2011 | Education:Education | Total Views : 550

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    Bradmore Baby Store Unveiled Attractive Range of Leapfrog

    UK, 14 May 2011: Leapfrog is one of the most preferred toys of parents who support the favour of educational toys and games. Since last ten years or so, there have been seen a paradigm shift in parent’s approach towards buying toys and games for their kids. Today parents buy toys and games for their kids, which not only engage them but also teach them from the point of education.

    By : | 05-28-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 550