Popular Press Releases

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    UK Fleet Insurance Experts Criticise Increase In Fuel Duty

    Experts in the fleet insurance industry have criticised the increase in fuel duty which added another 0.76p on both petrol and diesel from 1st January 2011.

    By : | 01-04-2011 | Insurance:Insurance | Total Views : 528

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    A Christmas in Phuket

    Phuket, Thailand: Thailand is a 95% Buddhist country so Christmas is not a festival that officially appears in the Thai calendar, but with a large ex-pat community and Thais who love an excuse to have fun, Christmas is celebrated in fine spirit every year - especially in Phuket.

    By : | 12-25-2010 | Lifestyle:Lifestyle | Total Views : 528

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    Adopt direct mail marketing strategies.

    Direct mail marketing has been successful form of marketing and has been widely used by businesses for a long time.

    By : | 12-23-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 528

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    Satellite TV for Your Laptop and PC Take over the Overtly Expensive Cable TV

    Watch TV online with over 4500 HD channels that come in a lucrative package deal that has only a onetime fee.

    By : | 12-14-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 528

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    Armani Watches : Dream Watch

    Watch can be considered as the common possession in every ones wardrobe. This is indeed the chief means of knowing the time.

    By : | 12-10-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 528

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    New non futuristic pop fiction novel about us

    Fiction is any literature that is not completely true. It is made up by the author. The opposite of fiction is non-fiction, writing that deals with only true events.

    By : | 12-08-2010 | Business:Business | Total Views : 528

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    Putting First things First

    Imagine how disappointed you would be if after spending days and weeks planning and organizing your event no one showed up.

    By : | 11-26-2010 | Business:Advertising Or Marketing | Total Views : 528

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    CompanionLink Releases App to Synchronize Microsoft Outlook with Smartphones

    CompanionLink Software, Inc., a leader in data synchronization between wireless mobile devices and desktop contact managers, today announced availability of CompanionLink for Outlook.

    By : | 11-08-2010 | Technology:Technology | Total Views : 528

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    How to find the best used car loans for students

    Trying to get a used car loan as a student can be a tough thing to accomplish when you have no credit established. Luckily, there are many online car lenders that will enable you to get the student car financing that you need provided that you are able to make a large down payment, or have a co signer that can help you out by signing on the used car loan with you. This is a great way for you to get your credit started.

    By : | 11-04-2010 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 528

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    Hepatitis B - Pipeline Assessment and Market Forecasts to 2017

    The Hepatitis B Therapeutics Market is Forecast to Show Slow Growth Until 2017

    By : | 10-21-2010 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 528